Tuesday – January 28, 2020
Blue Day
Drumline 6:30-8:30
It's that time of the year again. Do you know a teacher who is dedicated, inspiring, and making a difference? Please nominate a teacher from Sanborn Central for teacher of year award, simply complete the attached form and send it to Justin Siemsen.
*Please have forms returned to Mr. Siemsen by Friday, February 21st so they are able to be submitted on time.
February Information
Eligibility is due at noon Thursday, January 30th. Please let the office know when you are done posting. Campus will generate the missing assignment report Wednesday afternoon - please mark assignments as missing.
Good luck to the basketball teams
as they take on Hanson this evening! The
games will be live streamed on the Hanson Youtube channel and broadcast at
KOOL-98. Tip off starts with the boys C
game at 4:00 in the auditorium. The bus
will leave SC at 2:35
4:00 C Boys – AUDI
4:00 C Girls – GYM
6:15 Varsity Girls – GYM
7:45 Varsity Boys – GYM
Chili Feed starting at 5:00pm. Free will
donation towards prom banquet and dance.
https://5il.co/cij1It's that time of the year again. Do you know a teacher who is dedicated, inspiring, and making a difference? Please nominate a teacher from Sanborn Central for teacher of year award, simply complete the attached form and send it to Justin Siemsen.
*Please have forms returned to Mr. Siemsen by Friday, February 21st so they are able to be submitted on time.
February Information
Juniors and Seniors
interested in attending Black Hills State; A rep will be here Thursday, January
30th from 12-12:30
6th MS Updates-https://5il.co/cijk
7th MS Updates-https://5il.co/cijm
8th MS Updates-https://5il.co/cijl
Corsica-Stickney 7/8 girls b-ball tourney Saturday, February 1st, 2020 in Corsica
Brackets for the girls JH tourney is Corsica -https://5il.co/ceiy
Additional Information/Rules-https://5il.co/ceiz
On Feb. 8, the JV girls and boys game will both start at 2PM at Wolsey (using 2 gyms), followed by Varsity Girls 3:30 and then Varsity Boys at 5PM.
On Feb. 8, the JV girls and boys game will both start at 2PM at Wolsey (using 2 gyms), followed by Varsity Girls 3:30 and then Varsity Boys at 5PM.
UPDATE.....JH Girls and Boys BB vs Iroquois on Feb. 10 will now be played Home at Sanborn Central. Girls 6PM/Boys 7PM
Rescheduled Game: vs Mt Vernon
Feb 13 in MV - using both gyms.
4:15 Girls 7th Downtown Gym
5:00 Girls 8th Downtown Gym
4:15 Boys 7th Main Gym
5:00 Boys 8th Main Gym
The SCW Wildlife and Fisheries class is once again participating in the Trout in the Classroom program through the SDGFP. Keep a lookout for updates as they watch the trout grow!!
The animal science students have been busy during their poultry unit! They have grades eggs, candled eggs and had chickens in the classroom and are celebrating poultry quiz scores by making breakfast!
Follow along at https://www.facebook.com/SCWFFA/
The 6/7 band will be performing with the pep band on Thursday, January 30th at the girls basketball game in Woonsocket. Students will only be playing pre-game for the varsity game. They should plan to be ready to play around 6:30pm and are free to leave once the varsity game has started. Students will receive a grade for this performance. Please inform Miss West if you are unable to attend via the Remind app or at Janae.west@k12.sd.us.
Ways to Help/fundraiser
Candy-gram slips were sent home with preschool through sixth grade students today. Parents may make their selections (if they choose to participate) and send the slip and the money back with their student by Thursday, January 30th. The Candy-grams will be delivered to the recipients on February 13th. Seventh through seniors and staff, slips will be available right inside Ms. Farrell-Poncelet's room on the table and in the work room for anyone who wants to participate.
The next Sanborn Co. Food Giveaway will take place February 5th, 2020 at 5:00 (until gone) at the Woonsocket Community Center https://5il.co/c7u6
Wednesday-January 29-Orange
WWTS 3:45-5:30
Sonshine Club
GB @ W
Thursday-January 30-Blue
Eligibility/MS Updates due
Eligibility/MS Updates due
GB vs. WS @ Woony JH, JV, V 5:15
Pep Band 6th-12th grade
BB Woony
Candy Graham Slips Due
Friday-January 31-Orange
Candy Graham Slips Due
Friday-January 31-Orange
JH GB/BB @ Tulare (Bus lvg @ 4)
G B-ball @ Woony
B b-ball @ SC
6th boys b-ball @ Woony 6:00
Saturday-February 1
3-4 girls b-ball @ SC (9AM)
G JH @ Corsica 7/8 vs TDA
G/B B-ball @
Ethan (JV,V) 4:00 start
boys b-ball (6:00)
JH GB/BB vs. Ethan
@ SC G-6 B-7
Girls V-Woony
Boys V-SC
boys b-ball @ Woony (6:00)
Tomorrow's Lunch-Hot ham & cheese pita/steamed broccoli/bakes sidewinder fries/apple salad(Tues/Thurs lunches switched)
Tomorrow’s Breakfast- PB&J