Tuesday, March 5th
2 hour late start
Orange Day
Good Luck to the Blackhawk Guys as they travel to Pierre to play White River tonight.
The player bus will leave here at 3:15.
The boys game will be livestreamed on NFHS network. There is a fee. Not sure how much.
Spens Schlicht is selling t-shirts for part of his senior project. The idea behind this is special awareness. The point is making everyone aware that standing out and having something different about you is what makes you special. You should never be afraid to show who you really are. Remembering-- no matter what you do or where you come from..... STAND OUT!!
If you would like to buy one let me know shirts are $10 for youth sizes and adults are $12 add $2 if 2XL/3XL
If you would like to buy one let me know shirts are $10 for youth sizes and adults are $12 add $2 if 2XL/3XL
Phone # is 936-1292 or message me on Facebook!!!
Shirt color is Heather Grey. Orders are due 3-07-19
Due to the basketball game in Pierre and the fan bus leaving at 3:30 there will not be 5-6th grade volleyball practice today.
8-12 combined band rehearsal on Wednesday, March 6th, at Sanborn Central 9:45-10:45am. NOTE CHANGE!!!!!
State B Girls Basketball Half-Time Performance
3:30pm Woonsocket drumline students ride mini-bus to Forestburg
3:45pm Load equipment in Forestburg
4:15pm Depart for Huron
4:45pm Dinner @ Subway
5:30pm Unload at the Arena
6:00pm Set up/Warm-up (if possible)
Half-time Drum (and cymbal) the faces off the audience!!!
Load equipment
Unload equipment in Forestburg
Unload equipment in Woonscket
What to Bring:
* Drumline shirt
* Double check sticks, cymbals, etc. before loading
* $$ for dinner
Tomorrow is don’t sweat it Wednesday for Reading Across America Week.
Sonshine Club meets in Letcher tomorrow and WWTS in Artesian.
Seniors – don’t forget that Thursday, March 7th is Senior Project Work Day.
The junior class is hosting a penny war March 1st through 7th with proceeds going to their prom. All students in grades Pre-K thru 12th are invited to participate. Pennies are positive; nickels, dimes, quarters, and dollars are negative. The winning class will receive a pizza party on March 11th.
Thank you Mother Nature for interfering with eligibility again. We will not due eligibility this week, but MS Updates will need to be done. EL, MS, HS grades for report cards need to be posted by noon on Thursday, March 14th.
Booster Club Meeting on Wednesday at 8:00pm in the commons
Please return your girls basketball uniforms as soon as possible. At Woonsocket, please return uniforms to Mrs. Henriksen. At Sanborn Central, please return to Mr. McCain.
Letcher American Legion Auxiliary hosting supper for all Local Heroes, Letcher firemen, EMTs, Sherriffs Dept staff and their families at 6 PM Sunday March 10 at the Community center. Meal furnished by Auxiliary. Short program/games after.
Menu Changes: Wednesday – March 6th Breakfast – Benefit Bar Lunch Fish Taco; Thursday – March 7th: Breakfast – Coffee Cake Lunch Turkey & Dressing; Monday – March 11th Breakfast – PBJ Lunch – Pork Rib
Today’s Lunch: Meatballs w/Baked Mac & Cheese – Carrots – Bread & Jelly – Pineapple & Bananas