From True Fitness:
Grit is a sport
enhancement program that is tailored to the needs of the athlete and the
demands of his or her sport(s). True
Grit focuses on speed, quickness, and agility as well as improving core
stability, strength, and injury prevention.
Workouts are broken down into Thunder and Lightning days. Thunder workouts focus on power, strength,
stability, and grit. Lightning workouts focus
on speed, quickness, and agility. True
Grit is an intense and challenging workout, with the ultimate goal of
improved dynamic and functional athletic performance to give you the edge over
the competition. True Grit is offered to
the Junior High through College athlete.
We would
like to hold our True Grit sessions at our site in Mitchell. If there would be
a greater amount of athletes we could reach by coming to you we would be open
to that idea. Our summer program is an 8 week program where we would meet
3x per week for a total of 24 total training sessions. Official start
date is June 5th, 2017. Cost of the program would be $250, but
if broken down that’s a little over $10 per session. That cost could be
broken down further by our 10% discount added when kids sign up in larger
groups together. Linked below is our True Grit Handout with all the
necessary information.