Friday, October 2, 2015

October 2

Friday – October 2, 2015
Orange Day
Happy Birthday Royce Hunter tomorrow and Mrs. Enfield on Sunday!
The band is marching in Chester today.
Varsity Volleyball practice at Sanborn Central today.

If you ordered candles from the juniors for prom, the tentative date for delivery to Sanborn Central is Oct. 7th.  At that point, the student who sold you the candle is in charge of delivery.  Magazine orders should start arriving to the subscriber's house in 6-10 weeks. Thank you for supporting the Jr. Class!

The MS Updates for next week have been uploaded to our Google Drive

Mrs. Vermeulen and Mr. Siemsen would like lists of all missing assignments no later than noon on Wednesday, October 7th.  They will compile the list and give it to the students before they leave that day.  1:00 pm Thursday, October 8th, Mary will begin notifying the parents that the student will need to be here from 8:00-11:00 am on the 9th.
Smarter Balanced (SBAC) resource for parents:  This website is a great resource for parents that help them to understand the new state test results.  It also offers suggestions on how parents can support their students at each grade level and in each tested subject area.  You'll find it here:
Congratulations to the Lady Blackhawks on their win last night over Wessington Springs.  We will play Highmore Harold at 4:15 at Hitchcock/Tulare Saturday, October 3rd.  Brackets can be found at
Good Luck to the Blackhawk Football team as they host Gregory in Springs tonight!  Join us for a pork sandwich tailgate supper from 5:30-7:30
It also will be broadcast on Q107!
And its KELO’s game of the week – thanks for voting often!
The schedule for the JH/JV Football Jamboree in Springs on Saturday, October 3rd has been uploaded to our Google Drive – Athletics – Football folder
The schedule for the JH CBH VB Tournament is in our Google Drive – athletics – VB folder
On Wednesday, September 1st SC/W FFA attended the Central Area Land and Range Event.  This event serves as the state level competition for schools in the central area of South Dakota.  Our state has four area competitions of this type.  Winning teams advance to National Land and Range Judging in Oklahoma City.

SC/W FFA Members represented their schools well.  In Range, Aaron Linke placed 4th and Nathan Linke placed 7th out of 65 individuals.  Dillon Moore and Garrett Larson did not score high enough to place.  However, they contributed to the total team score allowing the range team to place 4th overall and only 13 points behind 3rd place Wessington Springs!  In Land/Homesite, Trent Kingsbury placed 24th and Sarah Morgan placed 28th out 132 individuals.  In this event, Catherine Bechen and Bailey Schmiedt did not score high enough to place but helped out greatly with our team score.  Our team placed 7th this year.  All students who scored high enough to receive a placing were awarded a medal at the event.
Full results can be found at

Thank you to parents and staff on your support as we traveled throughout September preparing for this event.  Congratulations to SC/W FFA Members for a job well done!  Full results can be found in the FFA Folder on our Google Drive
October 1st reminds us that the Holiday Season is just a short time away – turkey and all the trimmings! If the store that you shop at gives out turkey or ham stamps during the falls season, please think about donating them to your local food pantry!  Sanborn Central will be a drop off point - Happy Sharing!
There will be a Soup and Sandwich benefit Supper on Sunday Oct. 4th to help raise money for the Woonsocket Community Theater Project from 5-7PM at the Community Center. There will be a silent auction with Kids Games and Prizes. Please bring your family down to help support this project for the school and community.
Saturday – October 3rd: JH/JV FB Jamboree @ Springs
                 CBH JH VB @ Plank    
                       281 VB Tourney
Monday – October 5th: 5/6th G/B Practice – Woony
                 JH/HS FB @ Woony  
                 7-12 VB @ SC
                 No 5th Band
Tuesday – October 6th:  VB vs. SBA @ SC 5:15 C, JV, V (Daneks) – Pep Band
                  5/6th G/B Practice @ Woonsocket
                 HS/JH FB @ Woonsocket
                 CBH Oral Interp
                 No Speech in the afternoon
Wednesday – October 7th: HS FB @ Woony         
                        7-12 VB @ SC
                 Sonshine Club – Letcher
                 Missing Assignment Lists due at noon
Thursday – October 8th: VB vs. TDA @ Woony – 4:00 7th, 8th, C, JV, V
                  5/6th G/B @ SC   
               HS/JH FB @ Woony
Friday – October 9th: FB @ White Lake
                 Xtra Help Day – No School
Today’s Menu: Pork Rib on a Bun – Tri-Tater – Mixed Vegetables – Salad Bar – Fruit Choice – Milk Choice
It is how you show up at the showdown that counts.
-- Homer Norton

If there is something that you would like included in our e-news, feel free to email
Check out our Forms and Publications tab for a wealth of information!