Tuesday, October 13, 2015

October 13, 2015

Tuesday – October 13, 2015
Orange Day

Good Luck to the Lady Blackhawks as they travel to James Valley Christian for games tonight.  The JH Gals hit the floor at 5:15 followed by the JV and Varsity.  The bus will leave here at 4:00 today.

JH/JV was in White Lake to take on the Wildcats last night.  The JH won 24-0 and the JV lost 28-8.

HS/JH FB @ practice Woonsocket

Reminder – 5/6th Boys & Girls Basketball players – there is NO Practice today.  You have games on Thursday in Mt. Vernon

Juniors participating in the PSAT/NMSQT Tomorrow morning will need to be in the Ag Room at 8:00am – Logun F, Kayla O, Breanne B, Garrett D, Byron J, Trevor O, Maddie V

Mr. Gross is leaving at 12:30 today – Mr. Siemsen will cover 3rd Block in the Ag room and 4th Block Seniors will have privileges.

Found on the Football bus:  Friday - Cell phone and Monday - SD FCA bowl water bottle, class of 2018 sweatshirt, Jordan flip flops

Found on the Woony Bus that Juniors & Seniors used when they attended Fall Planning – a small black, hard covered notebook.

 Sanborn Central High School is taking part in the 2015 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) on October 21, 2015, and your student has been selected to participate in it.  This survey is sponsored by the South Dakota Department of Health and asks 9th thru 12th grade students about health behaviors including nutrition, physical activities, injuries, and tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use.  It will also ask about sexual behaviors that could lead to pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV.  The survey has been designed to protect your child’s privacy.  Students will not put their names on the survey, and no school or student will ever be mentioned.  If you would like to review a copy of the survey, please contact Deni Hollingsworth at 605-773-3365 or deni.hollingsworth@state.sd.us  To view past South Dakota YRBS results please see this website -- http://doh.sd.gov/Statistics/YRBS.aspx

Are you a Sunny D fan????   Look for the 20=20 label and bring it to school helping our elementary classrooms.  For every 20 labels they will donate 20 books to a classroom!

Join us Friday evening for a Tailgate party sponsored by the Woonsocket Boosters prior to an exciting Blackhawk Victory!

Friday night’s Football game with the Warbirds will be aired on not one but two radio stations! 
KOOL 98.3 http://kool98.com/    and KOKK http://www.performance-radio.com/sports/ .  Please thank a sponsor!

The football game with the Warbirds is also up for KELO’s game of the Week.  Vote often and don’t let our Blackhawks down!  http://www.keloland.com/sports/

Please join the SCW Lady Blackhawks Volleyball team on Oct. 19, 2015, as we play our Cancer Awareness games against Corsica/Stickney. A free will donation meal of grilled pork loin sandwiches, chips and dessert will be served.  There will also be a bake sale with all proceeds from the meal and the bake sale to be donated to the "You'll Never Walk Alone" Foundation. This foundation helps people in the area after they've been diagnosed with cancer of any kind by answering questions, giving out care baskets filled with items the patient will need throughout their cancer journey (lotions, candies, etc.), helping to line up rides to treatments if needed, and much more.   We did not sell t-shirts this year but ask that people consider donating in other ways to support this event. Come out, support our Blackhawks, eat a great meal, and have some fun while supporting our family and friends that have battled and are battling cancer! We would love to see you there! Serving for both events starts at 5:15!

Change to schedule next Friday, October 23rd, at Bridgewater 7, 8, C, JV, and Varsity will start at 4PM instead of 4:30PM. 

The following students will be attending the All-State Chorus Extravaganza in Freeman on October 22nd:  Tamra M, Breanne B, Byron J, and Devin G.

Just a reminder that our flu shot clinic is quickly approaching!

We ask that completed forms be turned into the office by Tuesday, October 20th.  This enables us to determine how many doses are needed.

If you are a football player and would like your shot on the 20th due to the game on the 22nd, please indicate so on your form.  Any staff member or student who will be gone on the 22nd is also welcome to get yours on the 20th.

Please let Mary (mary.ackman@k12.sd.us) know if you need a form, or feel free to pull one off our web site. www.sanborncentral.com  - Forms & Publications Tab - Google Drive - Health Folder - Flu Shot 

As we think of the upcoming Cancer Awareness Event – dig through your T-shirts and consider donating to the T-Hugs program any you don’t wear often.  They are re-purposed into blankets for people receiving Cancer Treatment at Avera in Mitchell as well as dresses, blankets, diapers for African Missions. The quilters have used 75 yards of stabilizer all ready so they are some busy women.  We are also in need of cash donations to purchase backing and stabilizer.  The cost of each blanket is less than $10.  Check out the Face Book Page   https://www.facebook.com/groups/1466674386988087/

The Rebel Booster Club is holding a winter volleyball fundraiser.  We are looking for co-ed teams to play on Sunday’s at the SC school the month of November and the first Sunday of December.  The cost per team is $60.  So please let us know if you have a team that would like to play so we can see if there is enough interest for this.  If you are interested, please contact Tambi Wormstadt at tambi.wormstadt@fcsamerica.com or 605-770-305

Wednesday – October 14th:  HS FB @ Woony
                     7-12 VB @ Woony
                     PSAT/NMSQT – Jr Class
                     Rock Solid – SC Commons 6:15
Thursday – October 15th: VB vs. KWL @ Woony – 4:30 – JH, C, JV, V
                     5/6th @ MVP 6:00 Girls/Boys
                     MYTI – Energy Camp
                     HS FB @ Woony
                     Eligibility & MS Updates due at noon
Friday – October 16th:  FB vs. Wol/Wessington – Woony – PEP Band plays – Tailgate Supper
                     5/6th Practice @ SC
                     7-12 VB @ Woonsocket
                     End of the first quarter
Monday – October 19th:  NO SCHOOL
                     JH FB vs. Iroquois @ Woony 4:30
                     “Cancer Awareness Night” – VB vs. Cor/Stick 5:15 (Farmer/F-P)
                     5/6th G/B vs. Springs @ Woony 4:00 Girls then Boys
Tuesday – October 20th: VB @ Hitch/Tulare – 4:30 JH, C, JV, V
                     HS FB @ Woony
                     5/6th G/B vs. Mitchell C @ SC 5:00 G/B
                     Football Players – Flu Shots
Today’s Menu: Chicken Nuggets – Mashed Potatoes/Gravy – Corn – Salad Bar – Wheat Roll & Jelly (6-12) – Fruit Choice – Milk Choice
Tomorrow’s Breakfast: Cereal – String Cheese – Fruit Cup – Juice Choice – Milk Choice
   Menu: Hamburger on a Bun – Sweet Potato Fries – Green Beans – Salad Bar – Whole Grain Rice Crispy Bar – Fruit Choice – Milk Choice

Always and never are two words you should always remember never to use.

If there is something that you would like included in our e-news, feel free to email sanborncentral@gmail.com

Check out our Forms and Publications tab for a wealth of information!