Monday, August 24, 2015

August 24

Monday, August 24
Blue Day
Packets are due in the office Friday, August 28th!

Mr. Kroeger would like to remind 8-12 band students that there will be a Marching Band Camp on Saturday, August 29th from 10am-5pm in Woonsocket.  Students are expected to attend.

The Spirit Club is selling football apparel.  Orders are due TODAY, Monday, August 24th by 10:00am.  The order form is on the Google Drive on our website in the miscellaneous folder.  You can click on this link:

The Woonsocket Elementary Parent Club is selling Blackhawk apparel.  Orders are due September 11.  The order form is on the Google Drive on our website in the miscellaneous folder.  You can click on the link:

Congratulations to Gus Nelson as he will be awarded the 4-H Council Heartland Saddle Award during the SD State Fair on Sunday, Sept.6 at 10 AM in the North Arena on the fairgrounds.   The Heartland Saddle Award is a traveling award given each year to a person who has contributed socially, economically and culturally to the betterment of South Dakota with the emphasis on youth work.  

Reminder to bus students - You will be dropped off at the same location that you were picked up unless the bus driver/office have been notified and it has been approved.  Students will not be dropped off any other place than the designated spot without parent notification. We don't want students going to another location without parent approval.  

At a session on liability issues at the ASBSD/SASD Convention the administration and school board were informed that it is a liability risk to allow students to play on the playground when there is a school-sponsored event without supervision. This also includes all those playing extra "football" games on either sideline or end zone areas.  
             NOTICE:  Children will no longer be allowed to play on the playground during volleyball or basketball games or any other school event without adult supervision.  During football games Mrs. Vermeulen will be watching the playground during the games but it is preferred that adults supervise their own children.  There will be NO extra football games at any time!

Did you pick up your Blackhawk Calendar yet?  We still have some in the office.

Mrs. Danek has the year books!

WANTED HS Soccer Players - Male or Female!!!!  The Soccer Coop consisting of  Mount Vernon, Mitchell Christian, and Sanborn Central needs players. Currently they have 10 kids that are actively playing on the team. 11 players are needed to play a game but according to state rules we can play with as few as 7. However, the AD from Mitchell Christian has said that if there are not at least 13 players by Wednesday the team would be suspended.  It doesn't matter if you have never played before or are inexperienced we have lots of practices and you’ll be fine. I am also able to  help by carpooling If there's just anyway you would be willing to help spread the word.  Thank you, Tyler Johnson 605-630-9926

Seniors and Juniors:  If you plan to take a dual credit course from any of the technical institutes or universities you need to sign up by TODAY, Monday, August 24.   The forms that you need to complete along with the contact person to send your completed forms are located on the school's website in the "Forms and Publications" tab in the Sanborn Central Forms and Documents "Miscellaneous" folder.  Contact Mr. Siemsen or Mrs. Whitney if you have any questions.

Due to Highmore/Harrold not fielding a football team this year we will play the Hanson Beavers on September 4th instead - site to be determined.
The schedule for the Hanson 8 Team volleyball tournament has been updated on our Google Drive.

Free & Reduced lunch applications are included in your packet of forms!  Your status does not continue from year to year so it’s important to fill out your form and get them turned in!  You can find information.  These applications as well as other lunch information can be found under the Forms & Publications tab, Google Drive, and the menu folder!

HS Students - you have until Wednesday, September 2nd to add or drop a class.  Any questions, please contact Mr. Siemsen at

Check out your Union Farmhand 4-H Calendar!  Do you have additions or see any changes that need to be made?   Contact Gayle Bechen at 527-2690 or prior to September 15, 2015 as they will be sending them off for printing soon.  

Today - August 24th: Junior Magazine Sales Meeting
                       HS/JH FB @ Springs
                       HS/JH VB @ SC
Tuesday - August 25th: VB @ Hanson Tourney - Canistota @ 5:15
                      HS/JH FB @ Springs
Wednesday – August 26th:  FB/VB pictures @ 2:30
                        HS/JH FB @ Woony
                        HS/JH VB @ SC
Thursday – August 27th:  VB @ Hanson Tourney
                        HS/JH FB @ Springs
Friday – August 28th:  FB vs. Sunshine Bible Academy @ Springs – 7:00pm – Parent’s Night
                        HS/JH VB @ SC

Tomorrow’s Breakfast: PB/J Sandwich – Fruit Cup – Juice Choice - Milk Choice
            Menu: Spaghetti w/ Meat Sauce – Green Beans – Garlic Breadsticks (9-12) - Salad Bar - Fruit Choice - Milk Choice

If there is something that you would like included in our e-news, feel free to email

Check out our Forms and Publications tab for a wealth of information!