Tuesday, August 25
Orange Day
Packets are due in the office Friday, August 28th!
Good Luck to the Lady Blackhawks as they play Canistota at 5:15 today in Hanson at their tournament.
Mr. Kroeger would like to remind 8-12 band students that there will be a Marching Band Camp on Saturday, August 29th from 10am-5pm in Woonsocket. Students are expected to attend.
ATTENTION BAND PARENTS: One worker from Sanborn Central is needed at 10:00 to help out. Also needed are two pans of bars. Contact Kelly Selland at 605-248-2364 or castaway@santel.net if you can work and/or donate a pan of bars.
The Spirit Club is selling football apparel and extended the deadline to today!!! The order form is on the Google Drive on our website in the miscellaneous folder or available in the office. You can click on this link:
The Woonsocket Elementary Parent Club is selling Blackhawk apparel. Orders are due September 11. The order form is on the Google Drive on our website in the miscellaneous folder. You can click on the link:
The complete volleyball schedule for JH and HS has been uploaded to our Google Drive - Forms & Publications - Athletic Folder - Volleyball
Did you pick up your Blackhawk Calendar yet? We still have some in the office.
Mrs. Danek has the year books!
The schedule for the Hanson 8 Team volleyball tournament has been updated on our Google Drive.
HS Students - you have until Wednesday, September 2nd to add or drop a class. Any questions, please contact Mr. Siemsen at justin.siemsen@k12.sd.us
Check out your Union Farmhand 4-H Calendar! Do you have additions or see any changes that need to be made? Contact Gayle Bechen at 527-2690 or jgbechen@santel.net prior to September 15, 2015 as they will be sending them off for printing soon.
Reminder to bus students - You will be dropped off at the same location that you were picked up unless the bus driver/office have been notified and it has been approved. Students will not be dropped off any other place than the designated spot without parent notification. We don't want students going to another location without parent approval.
At a session on liability issues at the ASBSD/SASD Convention the administration and school board were informed that it is a liability risk to allow students to play on the playground when there is a school-sponsored event without supervision. This also includes all those playing extra "football" games on either sideline or end zone areas.
NOTICE: Children will no longer be allowed to play on the playground during volleyball or basketball games or any other school event without adult supervision. During football games Mrs. Vermeulen will be watching the playground during the games but it is preferred that adults supervise their own children. There will be NO extra football games at any time!
Today - August 25th: VB @ Hanson Tourney - Canistota @ 5:15
HS/JH FB @ Springs
Wednesday – August 26th: FB/VB pictures @ 2:30
HS/JH FB @ Woony
Thursday – August 27th: VB @ Hanson Tourney
HS/JH FB @ Springs
Friday – August 28th: FB vs. Sunshine Bible Academy @ Springs – 7:00pm – Parent’s Night
Saturday – August 29th: Marching Band Camp – 10:00am Woonsocket
Monday – August 31st: VFB @ Woonsocket
7-12 VB @ Sc
JH/JV FB @ Platte 4:00
Today’s Menu: Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce – Green beans – Salad Bar – Garlic Bread Sticks (9-12) – Fruit Choice – Milk Choice
Tomorrow’s Breakfast: Mini Pancakes – Sausage Patty – Fruit Cup – Juice Choice - Milk Choice
Menu: Chicken a la King – Whole Wheat Biscuit or Mashed Potatoes – Peas – Whole Wheat Pumpkin Bar - Salad Bar - Fruit Choice - Milk Choice
You can't just beat a team, you have to leave a lasting impression in their minds so they never want to see you again. -- Mia Hamm
If there is something that you would like included in our e-news, feel free to email sanborncentral@gmail.com
Check out our Forms and Publications tab for a wealth of information!