Monday, May 4, 2015

May 4, 2015

Monday – May 4, 2015
Orange Day
Happy Birthday Kyle Zoss!
Good Luck to the JH track team as they attend the 281 JH Track meet in Springs today.  The bus will leave here at noon - Samantha, Chloe, Karly, Tater, Katie, Cayden, Aiden, Austin, Sawyer, Abby, Alex, Weston, Catherine, and Sarah
Concert rehearsal for today for the band students will be:  8:30-9:30 at SC – joint with Woonsocket and 5-7th Band 9:30-10:30.  7-12 vocal will practice at 11:35 on Monday, May 4th and 3rd-6th at 2:00.
Ms. Senska asks that Pre-K thru 4th students be in their classrooms by 6:45.  Non-band students in grades 5-8 should be in their assigned seats by 6:55.
If you want to record tonight’s Concert – set your DVD for Santel Channel 107!
On Tuesday, May 5th Mr. Kroeger will start his day in Woonsocket for their rehearsal – no lessons until he returns which should be around 10:00.
Soccer schedule for Tuesday - May 5th in Springs - U6 at 4:45, U8 & U10 at 4:45
Order forms for the 2015 Yearbook have been sent home with elementary students, and that high school and middle school students have them on their lockers.  If the student wants it personalized we need to know that by Monday, May 4th.  The actual orders don't have to be in until May 7th.
Coming May 7th the Sanborn Central Drama Department will be presenting the two act comedy The Rubber Room.  The play will take place at 7:00 in the school gym.
Our final extra help day is just around the corner – Friday, May 8th!   Mrs. Vermeulen and Mrs. Whitney will need list of missing assignments no later than noon on Wednesday, May 6th.  Students will be notified that afternoon.  On Thursday, May 7th at 1:00pm we will begin the process of calling parents to inform them that their student will need to be at school from 8:00-11:00 am!   Teachers – please keep your grade book up to date – Students please get your assignments in so that you may enjoy your day!!!!

                                               Breaking Athletic Info!!!!!!!!!
                                            Workout Sports Academy Information -
We are looking into something new this summer for our athletes if there is interest.  We are trying to line up a workout program for all of the  SC/Woony athletes.  Below lists a sample program that could be offered to next year's 7-12 graders.  The sports academy is a group of athletic trainers and they setup a strength & conditioning program that will help the kids become better all-around athletes.  Knowing that everyone has a  busy summer schedule and after discussion with Tony (Trainer), we are trying to plan on combining our local open gym/workouts with the sports academy so that the kids aren't busy every night with sports.  Below is a sample of the summer schedule with the sports training. It runs from 6-8PM:
Sunday- football and volleyball position drills
Monday- upper body lifting/Fb- upper body/agility-VB
Tuesday-lower body lifting/agility with basketball open gym)
Cost- $100 and the program will run through June and July.  Everyone has busy summer schedules so it is understandable if athletes can't attend every night a workout is scheduled.
There are still items of discussion as whether we will be switching from school to school each week, etc.  First, we need to know how many athletes are interested so we can secure our spot with the sports academy.  Please let Mr. Weber or Mr. McCain know by Wednesday, May 6 if you are interested.
Information regarding the summer program for Boys Basketball players can be found in our Athletics Folder – Basketball
Information regarding SDSU’s Summer Reading Program for students may be found in our Miscellaneous Folder
Awards Night Pot Luck Items – Seniors – desserts, Juniors – salad, Sophomores - Hot Dish, Freshman – Hot Dish, 8th - Desserts, 7th – Hot Dish, 6th – Salad, Staff – Salad or Dessert.  Fun begins at 6:00 pm on May 11th

Check out the job openings at Sanborn Central - Google Drive - Job Vacancies

It’s Bountiful Basket ordering week!!!!!  You have from 11:00am today (10:00 am Mountain) until midnight tomorrow (10:00 pm Pacific) to place your order at
Rumor has it our time is going to change! Could happen as early as this order! Pay attention to your emails!

History buffs - you really need to see this!!!!
"The Incredible Story of Ruskin Park"
  Brett Selland spent nearly 3 years researching Ruskin Park and its history.  His research, which includes stories galore, pictures, articles, interviews and more, was compiled into a nearly 4 hour video account of the park.  The park, as you may know, was famous for the many bands that played there.  In keeping with the spirit of the park, Brett has offered his work up as a fundraiser for our SCW band programs.  He is donating the video sets (2DVD's) to the SCW band program for sale with ALL proceeds from the sales going directly into the band funds of our two schools.
  The sets of 2 DVD's full of history will be on sale for $25.00/set at the concerts in both Sanborn Central and Woonsocket on May 4th and 5th. After those two nights, the sets may be purchased by contacting any Sanborn Central/Woonsocket band member.  We do have some available in SC’s office.  You may also contact Brett Kroeger at  or Brett Selland at 248-2364 or   Again, ALL proceeds will go to our band programs. Thanks much for supporting this effort!

Information regarding 3 great summer science camp opportunities at Dakota Wesleyan University is available on our Google Drive in the miscellaneous folder.  The camps will take place June 8-12, 2015 and the students in your schools in grades 3-7 are able to register for this awesome experience right now at

Information regarding the Farmers Union Camp to be held Tuesday, June 2nd in the Forestburg 4-H Building can be found in our Community Folder on the Google Drive.

Sanborn Central will not be hosting a camp site at the Mitchell Area Heart and Sole Cancer Walk this year.  The walk will be held June 19th at the Mitchell Middle School.  However, we will gladly accept your luminary forms and contributions.  A luminary form can be found at
This is a great event and benefits so many local people that we urge you to attend. Contact Mary Ackman at

MTI will be offering summer camps in the areas of engineering, welding, and culinary May 26-28th for juniors and seniors the 2015-2016 school year.  Registration deadline is Friday, May 8th.  More information can be found at

LSI is currently accepting applications for part-time/summer help - must be at least 16 years old. We offer competitive wages along with flexible hours/shifts.  If interested in applying please contact Melinda Salas at 605-849-8832 or drop off your application at Jack Links in Alpena
Here is a link to their application
Tuesday – May 5th: Golf Pre-Region meet (Dillon, Garrett, Jarid)
Wednesday – May 6th: Circus Thank you’s due
             No Vocal                                           1-4 Declaim                   PreK-K program
            Senior “GOAL” Scholarship Interviews – 11:30
            Missing assignment lists due at noon
Thursday – May 7th: 3rd, 4th, 5th Field Trip
            Yearbook Orders Due                    Tutoring     
            Parents called at 1:00 – Eligibility grades due at noon
            Spring Play at 7:00
Friday – May 8th: Extra Help Day - No School with a few exceptions
           Golf @ Howard – Trent               HS Track @ Miller 12:30
            Coburn Receipts due
Monday – May 11th: Awards night 6:00 pm
            Golf Regions
            6-7-8th Field Trip
Today’s Menu: Chicken Nuggets – Mashed Potatoes/Gravy – Corn – Salad Bar – Wheat Roll & Jelly (6-12) – Fruit Choice – Milk Choice
Tomorrow’s Breakfast: Muffin – String Cheese – Fruit Cup – Juice Choice – Milk Choice
   Menu: Sloppy Joe on a Bun – Whole Grain Chips (9-12) – Sweet Potato Puffs – Baked Beans/Green Beans – Salad Bar – Fruit Choice – Milk Choice

“Teachers are expected to reach unattainable goals with inadequate tools. The miracle is that at times they accomplish this impossible task.”   Haim Ginott

If there is something that you would like included in our e-news, feel free to email
Check out our Forms and Publications tab for a wealth of information!