Thursday, May 28, 2015

May 28, 2015

Blackhawk Proud -  The state track meet begins tomorrow. Myah Selland (in the shot and high jump) and Rex Schlicht (800, 1600, and 300 hurdles) will represent the Blackhawks! Follow them at

Congratulations to Madi Moody, daughter of Tracy and Perry Moody.  Madi has qualified for the National Junior High Final Rodeo in Barrels and Breakaway!  The finals will be held June 21-27 at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines.  You can follow the rodeo at

Bountiful Baskets time has changed for Letcher - volunteer time is 7:30am and pick up time is 8:30am.  Next week is an order week!

Don’t forget to check out all the forms and documents on our web site.  A few of interest include::
  Baseball/Softball Schedule
  I Believe 5K Walk/Run
 Farmers Union Camp Info
 Heart & Sole Luminary Forms
 Summer FB Schedule
 Summer VB Schedule
 GBB Summer Schedule
 BBB Summer Schedule
 2015-2016 School Supply List

If there is something that you would like included in our e-news, feel free to email
Check out our Forms and Publications tab for a wealth of information!  

I am Summer, come to lure you away from your computer... come dance on my fresh grass, dig your toes into my beaches. ~Oriana Green, @NatureSpirits