Monday – April 7, 2014
Orange Day – Homework Club meets tonight!
Thank you to the junior class for hosting a wonderful prom - you guys were awesome to work with! Thank you to the HS Student Body for making it a very memorable evening. Mrs. Moody & Mr. Flatten
A schedule for the State FFA Convention has been uploaded to our Google Drive in the Miscellaneous Folder.
There will not be Elementary PE Tuesday - April 8th due to a HS track meet. HS PE report to Mr. Flatten
Junior high girls’ basketball uniforms need to be returned to Mrs. Rodriquez or Mr. McCain as soon as possible.
Gone to the track meet on Tuesday, April 8th are: Jarid B, Cole W, Tyler J, Tucker K, Trevor O, Logun F, Garrett D, Kayla O, Maddie V, Myah S, Kyla M
Seniors – this week you move a step closer to graduation by completing your senior projects. On Friday, you are only required to be here for your project presentation. However, please remember to sign in and out so if we need to find you we can. Best of luck with your presentation!
The schedule for senior projects next Friday is 8:30 Brandon & Jessica, 9:00 Ryan and Kelbi, 9:30 Claudia & Kelsey, 10:00 Joe A & Brittlyn, 10:30 Hannah & Joe H, 12:00 John & Haley, 12:30 Molly & Shelby
If there are any pre-k through 2nd graders that are still interested in playing soccer they are more than welcome to play, just contact Roxann Larson at 770-2077!
Mrs. Chance is today’s highlighted instructor. She graduated from Letcher High School and Dakota State University. Mrs. Chance has always enjoyed showing little kids how to do things, so teaching came naturally, and she has been with Sanborn Central for 26 years. She looks forward to coming to work every day to see the excitement of a student learning new things. She greatly enjoys the variety of the age groups she works with. Mrs. Chance’s son has a patent on three bullets and she has a nephew who flies Air Force II. Mrs. Chance was a pie baking winner in 4-H, has flown a light airplane, and almost ran over a child while driving in a field. She has traveled to five foreign countries, and her daughter has traveled to China twice. Mrs. Chance, we want to thank you for spending this time with the staff and students at Sanborn Central!
Don't forget that it Bountiful Basket week! You have from 10:00 am today until 10:00 pm tomorrow to place your order! Add ons this week include Artichokes 20# - $16.00; Organic Valencia Oranges 38# - $22.00; Easter Super Hostess Packs – Natural Egg dying items, Green Beans, Pineapple, Snap Peas, Onion, Potatoes, Yams, Celery - $24.00; Organic Heirloom Tomatoes – 10# - $13.50; Organic coconut Oil with Scent – ½ gallon - $20.50; Cinnamon Toast Bread – 2 Loaves $10.00; Split Peas – 25# - $17.00; Sourdough Bread – 5 loaves $10.00; Organic 100% Honey Whole Wheat Bread – 5 pack $12.00
Tanna’s Appreciation Supper and Bean Bag Tournament will be held on Saturday, April 12 at the Stekl Shop (1 miles north, 1.25 miles east of Letcher). This evening of fun is being sponsored by the Kingsbury family and friends to express their appreciation for all the support shown to Tanna over the last year and to celebrate her recent cancer-free diagnosis. A free pork loin supper will be served starting at 5:30 p.m. and will continue throughout the evening. Registration for the Bean Bag Tournament starts at 5:30 p.m. with the tournament beginning at 6:30 p.m. Registration is just $10 per 2-person team with all registration fees being returned as prizes. All ages are welcome to participate. Even if you don’t want to be in the bean bag tournament, please come for supper anyway. A flyer with further details can be found here:
There will be no dodge ball tournament in Plankinton Sunday!
Hanson 3 on 3 Tourney Information can be found in the Google Drive in the Miscellaneous Folder
Information regarding the Color Run sponsored by DWU for the Children's Miracle Network can be found on our Google Drive in the Community Folder
The Mitchell Heart & Sole Cancer Walk to be held June 20th at the Mitchell Middle School. Sanborn Central has proudly hosted a camp site for the past several years and will be doing so once again. We will be selling luminaries to raise money for our Camp site April 10th thru the 17th. Luminary forms can be found at or are available in the office. Team Camp Information can be found at Questions please contact Mary Ackman at or Kelly Selland at
Mark your Calendar: The Letcher Auxiliary Spring Salad lunch will be May 3 from 11:00 to 1:00. A silent auction will be held during the luncheon. Cost is $5 Adults with 12 and under $3 .
The Letcher Community Club will be sponsoring Dumpster Days in Letcher from Monday, April 21 through Sunday, April 27. More details will be made available as the dates get closer.
Looking for a high school student to watch our 3 kids this summer. Needs to be able to drive as would need to take kids to activities throughout the summer. It would be Tues – Thurs. approx. 8am-6pm. Please contact Tambi at 770-3051 or 527-2441.
Tuesday: HS Golf @ Lake Madison (No SC Students)
HS Track @ Parkston – Bus at 12:15 - NO EL PE
State FFA Convention
JO VB SC - 3:30
Wednesday: Teacher Meeting 7:45 - MS Lab
Thursday: Eligibility, Homework, MS Updates due at noon
DStep Science Test - Juniors - 8:30-10:30
Hanson 3 on 3 Registration Due
JO VB SC - 3:30
Friday: Senior Experience Presentations
Saturday: Kingsbury Celebration
Soccer Parent Meeting & Practice 8:30-12:30 U6 & U8
Alec 3 on 3
DWU’s Glow Run for Children’s Miracle Network
Monday: MS Track @ Little Palace – 4:30
Board Meeting 5:00 pm
Today’s Menu: Hot Dog on a Bun- Potato Wedges – Mixed Vegetables – Salad Bar – Fruit Choice – Milk Choice
Tomorrow’s Breakfast: Mini Pancake/Sausage Bites w/Syrup – Yogurt – Juice/Fruit Choice – Milk Choice
Menu: Chicken Wrap – Spanish Rice (6-12) – Carrots – Salad Bar – Fruit Choice – Milk Choice
Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world. – Harriet Tubman