Monday – March 24, 2014
Orange Day
Once again, we have a white envelope with “Lunch Money” in blue ink written on it. It contains cash and no name. If it is yours, please let Gayle or Mary know. Please make sure that a name is somewhere with all cash payments!
CTE Schedule for today is: 8:20 8th grade, 9:15 7th grade, 10:10 10th grade, 11:35 10th grade, 12:35 9th grade, and 1:30 11th grade
Congratulations to the FFA members who competed in Miller on Thursday. Results include: Ag Mechanics - Joe Hetland-20th and John Blindauer-28th; Floriculture-4th Place Team, Claudia Miller-3rd and Kelsey Henson-16th; and Natural Resources Cody Ruml-24th! We are Rebel Proud!
Congratulations to Shelby Selland, who will be participating in the 3 Class Shoot out at Salem on March 29th. The fun begins at 2:00 pm! More info can be found in the athletic folder on our Google Drive
Please look through this list of names. This is the list of who I have signed up for Little I. If your name is on here and shouldn’t be or isn’t on here and should be you need to send me an email TODAY! Taylor Wormstadt, Joe Hetland, Kelbi Dean, Jessica Schmit, Jarid Bechen, Hannah Spelbring, Cole Wormstadt, John Blindauer, Trevor Olson, Garrett Dean, Logan Effling, Tyler Johnson, Leah Baysinger, Haley Ruml-Degen, Kelsey Henson, Claudia Miller, Dillon Moore, Cody Ruml, Dustin Johnson, Shane Nelson, Tom Hetland. Mr. Gross
This week we won’t do eligibility, but MS Updates & Homework Club – will need to be completed by noon on Thursday, March 27th.
The MS Updates for this week have been uploaded to our Google Drive.
Leave time for Little I this Friday, March 28th, will be 7:55 a.m. from Woonsocket and 8:10 a.m. from Sanborn Central. As we are going East, if there are Sanborn Central students who would like to be picked up at Artesian they need to let Mr. Gross know by the of the school day Wednesday. We should arrive back around 4-4:30 p.m.
This weekend SuFuDu will be using our facilities – Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Don’t be alarmed if you see vehicles here!
The signup sheet for Grand March is in Mrs. Moody's room. We would like to have all couples signed up by March 28th or you may not be announced the night of prom!
Signup sheet for the post prom party is also in Mrs. Moody’s room. Please sign up by March 26th.
Also the sign up for prom t-shirts is in Mrs. Moody's room. The cost is $12 and they must be paid for and ordered by the deadline of March 26th! No exceptions!
The Track and Golf Schedules have been uploaded to our Google Drive in the Athletic Folder.
Boys Basketball Uniforms can be handed in to Coach Rick Olsen at Sanborn Central and Coach Rod Weber at Woonsocket ASAP. Thanks
HS Students: If you have songs that you would like to play for prom – please write the title and artist on a slip of paper and give to Leah or deposit in the box in the HS lab.
Don't forget that it is Bountiful Basket week. You have from 10:00 am this morning until 10:00 pm tomorrow morning to order!
WOW! Where has the year gone! Pickup on Saturday will mark our 1 year anniversary for the Site being open in Letcher! So don't forget to contribute for your basket on Monday morning at 10 am and no later than 10:00 pm tomorrow night. WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK EVERYONE THAT HAS CONTRIBUTED FOR BASKETS OVER THE LAST YEAR AND HELPING KEEP THIS OPPORTUNITY AVAILABLE TO ALL! SEE YOU SATURDAY! A very special thank you to Christy and David Ruml for bringing this to our community, as well as all of those who have stepped forward to complete the training enabling us to continue top provide this program.
Bountiful Basket add ons this week include: Juice Pack, Organic Strawberries 8# box, Guac &Slasa Pack, Lemmons 38# case, Pinto Beans 25#, Tortilla Pack, Orgnaic Olive Oil, Harvest Granola, and Organic Multi Grain Bread
Like the Letcher Bountiful Basket face book page at:
Information regarding the All Star Games in Alexandria on Tuesday, March 25th can be found in the Athletic Folder on our Google Drive
Looking for a high school student to watch our 3 kids this summer. Needs to be able to drive as would need to take kids to activities throughout the summer. It would be Tues – Thurs. approx. 8am-6pm. Please contact Tambi at 770-3051 or 527-2441.
Save the Date… The Kingsbury Family would like to show their appreciation for all of the support shown to them since Tanna’s cancer diagnosis and celebrate her recent cancer-free results! A Celebration event for Tan Dog’s Team will be held the evening of Saturday, April 12th and will include a meal and bean bag tournament. Watch for more details coming soon
Tuesday: Willie Mac SC 5:30
Cornbelt vs. CBH All Star Games – Alec – 5:30
Certified Staff meeting 3:30
Dayna R 7/8th Practice
Cert. Staff meeting 3:30
Wednesday: Region Large Group Band – Chamberlain – Bus 8:15 – All 7-12 Band
Thursday: Spring ACT Prep – Mitchell
JO VB 3:30 – SC
El Book It 2:45
MS Updates & MS Homework Club - noon
Friday: Little I 8:10 Bus
Dayna R 7/8th Practice
Saturday: SuFuDu
3 Class Shoot Out – Salem – 2:00
State Youth Wrestling – Rapid City
Monday: Spring ACT Prep – Mitchell
Today’s Menu: Taco Soup – Whole Grain Tortilla Chips – Salad Bar – Steamed Broccoli – Snickerdoodle Cookie – Fruit Choice – Milk Choice
Tomorrow’s Breakfast: Breakfast Wrap – String cheese – Juice/Fruit Choice – Milk Choice
Menu: Beef & Noodles – Carrots – Salad Bar – Blueberry Muffin (6-12) – Fruit choice – milk Choice
Leftovers in their less visible form are called memories. Stored in the refrigerator of the mind and the cupboard of the heart. ~Thomas Fuller