Wednesday – December 11, 2013
Orange Day
List of missing assignments (homework club) due at noon today!Girls are at Woonsocket and Boys are at SC this week.
Don’t forget to have your angel tree donations to Mrs. Whitney before the concert tomorrow.
The synopsis from Monday’s board meeting has been up loaded to the Google Drive (Board Folder)on our web site:
Vocal Rehearsal, Thursday, November 12th – 1:00 pm 7-12 Vocal with PK-6th at 1:45. 6 & 7 band will practice at 10:00 – 10:30.
Ms. Senska asks that Thursday, December 12th Pre-K thru 4th students be in their classrooms by 6:45 and that 5-8 non-band students be in their assigned seats by 6:55.
I thought I’d clarify what happens at State for Parli Pro. There are two rooms that the teams are sorted into. This year one room had 8 teams and one room had 7 teams. We were in the room with 8 teams. Out of each room three teams go on to finals to finals. Early word out of the SD FFA is that we got 7th in the state so we were the 4th team in our room and the best out of the teams that didn’t make it to finals. Mr. Gross
Price Reduction on left over Band Food for sale: 2.5# Onion Rings (2) $7, 2# Mushrooms (2) $8, Cheese Bread (1) $18, Apple Pies (2) $7, Lemon Meringue (2) $10. Contact if interested.
The schedule for Saturday’s Basketball at SBA – Noon – JV Gals & JH Guys, 1:15 JV Guys & JH Gals, 2:30 Varsity Gals, and 4:00 Varsity Boys. The bus leaves SC at 10:30 with our players, coaches, and managers.
Santa will be in Letcher on Saturday, December 14th. Visit him at the Letcher Community Center from 10:00 a.m. to noon. Sponsored by the Letcher American Legion.
The order form and logo for the Blackhawk gear now on sale is on the website under “Forms and publications” and go to the “Athletics” tab. If you want to order and have it for Christmas we need them today. Last date to order is December 18 for delivery after Christmas. Make checks out to SC Spirit Club.
The boys Blackhawks basketball team is looking for snacks for the boys to eat on the bus rides to practices. Last year we had our Snack Scrimmage; however, this year we participated in the Mitchell Jamboree instead. Anyone interested in donating some snacks for these growing boys to munch on after school on their way to practice would be greatly appreciated. You can bring/send snacks to each respective school and it will be divided equally. Some popular items from last year included: snack crackers, slim jims, cookies (even homemade), granola bars, rice crispies, chips, etc. There are 36 boys grades 7-12. Thank you for your support!
December 16th is an Extra Help Day - as this is so close to the end of the semester – we are adding that students with an F will also be required to attend. The time line is - today at noon Mrs. Whitney and Mrs. Vermeulen will need a complete list of all missing assignments Students will be notified that they have missing work. Thursday, December 12th, along with the normal eligibility, homework, and updates – we need an updated list of missing work. Friday, December 13th, at 1:00 pm parents will be notified that a student will need to be here on Monday, December 16th from 8:00 am until 11:00 am. Students get your work turned in, check the portal, and make sure everything is up to snuff or we will see you the 16th!
Thursday: Christmas Concert – 7:00 pm
G/B @ W – No JH
Homework, Updates, Missing assignments due at noon
Friday: G @ W B @ SC
Parent Notification – 1:00
CTE’s 8:20 – 9th, 9:15 11th, 10:10 8th, 11:35 10th, 12:35 7th, 1:30 12th
Saturday: Basketball @ SBA – Bus 10:30
Monday: Extra Help Day – Missing assignments & F’s will be here 8-11
JH @ Howard – G @ 6:00
G @ SC B @ W
Tuesday: G/B @ SC – No JH
Wednesday: G @ W B @ SC
Upland Xmas Concert
Thursday: MS & EL Grades posted by noon
G/B vs. TDA – Parent Night – 4:00 – Pep Band
Blue Semester Test
MS & El Grades posted by noon
Today’s Menu: Taco Burger – Black Bean & Corn Salsa w/Corn Tortilla Chips (9-12) Salad Bar – Refried Beans – Carrots – Fruit – Milk
Tomorrow’s Breakfast: Breakfast Wrap – String cheese – Juice/Fruit – Milk
Menu: Beef & Noodles – Steamed Carrots – Salad Bar – Blueberry Muffin (6-12) Fruit – Milk
Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts. ~Janice Maeditere