All Coborn receipts for August, September, and October must be turned in by Tuesday, November 12th. The receipts can be turned in at the school or the CorTrust banks in Letcher and Artesian.
The Sanborn Central FFA has just started its annual fruit sales fundraiser. This year the FFA is selling its usual assortment of fruit, cheese, beef sticks, butterbraids, and popcorn. Keep an eye out for a FFA member you know to get your order in! The deadline for sales is Nov. 18th. If it is getting close to this date and you haven't seen a member to get your order in, contact Mr. Gross at the school and he will send someone your way! Thank you again for your great support of the FFA!
FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.