Friday, August 14, 2015

August 14, 2015

Upcoming Events!!!!
Saturday – August 15th: HS FB @ Woonsocket – 8:00am
               9-12 VB @ Woonsocket 8:00am
                       Forestburg Melon Festival
Monday - August 17th: 7/8th FB Practice begins - HS/JH practice @ Woonsocket - 4:00pm
                       9-12 VB @ Woonsocket 8:00am and 4:00pm
                       Back to School Night 5:30-7:00pm - Free Supper - HS Registration
                       VB Parent meeting 7:00pm - SC
Tuesday - August 18th: HS/JH FB @ W - 4:00pm
                       HS VB - Woonsocket 6:45am & 3:00pm
                       VB Parent Meeting - Woonsocket 7:00pm
Wednesday - August 19th: 1st day of School - Dismiss at 12:30!!!!!
                       HS/JH FB @ Woonsocket - 4:00pm
                       HS/JH VB @ Woonsocket - 1:45
Thursday - August 20, 2015: HS/JH FB @ Woonsocket
                       HS/JH VB @ Woonsocket

Thank you to the Booster Club volunteers that helped spruce up the playground Wednesday night.  Your hard work is deeply appreciated!

The synopsis of last night's board meeting is in the Google Drive in the school board section.

Our Blackhawk Calendars have arrived!!!!!  They will be available at our Back to School night or in the school office.  

The Forestburg Melon Festival will be held on Saturday August 15th.  The gates open at 3pm and some of the events include:  Car Show, Bean Bag Tournament-Contact Stacy Zoss for more info, kids games and a 4 wheeler train, silent auction, 50/50 drawing and a raffle. There will be concessions available all day with a pork loin supper starting at 5pm. There will also be entertainment all day. Letcher’s Scott Morgan will start at 4pm and Weston Frank Live will begin at 8pm.  Camping spots are available, but there are not any electrical hook ups at this time. Contact Adam Alt at 770-8512 for more camping info. The Sanborn Central Cheerleaders are planning to serve root beer floats at the festival as a fundraiser for their group and as a courtesy, we will have the Ruskin Park DVD’s available for purchase at the gate.  Proceeds from the DVD sales go towards the Sanborn Central Band. Proceeds from the festival go towards street repair in Forestburg.  It is an expensive project and completion will take some time.  Please “Like” Forestburg Melon Festival on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for up to date information!  Thanks!

Don’t forget that our Back to School Night is Monday, August 17th from 5:30 to 7:00. This is a great time  to meet the staff, put your items in your locker, and enjoy the free supper!  Packets with all of the enjoyable forms will be distributed (due 8/28)!

HS Students will register for classes with their advisor, Monday, August 17th during the Back to School night.  We understand that athletic practice may interfere with registration, so feel free to come in any time after 3:00pm.  A list of advisors with your registration packets will be placed on the doors.

During the Back to School Night, Gayle will be available in the commons to accept lunch payments. Don't forget prepayment is required for your student lunches!  Breakfast is $1.85 for everyone, PK-5th is $2.45, and 6-12 will be $2.70 per meal.

You will be able to purchase your activity passes at the Back to School Night in the Commons - Students $25, Adults $45, Family is $85.  A complimentary senior citizen pass is given to anyone over the age of 65.

On Monday, August 17th there will be a Title I meeting for any interested parents of students grades K-8 at 6:30 in the gym.

REMINDER……..all 7th and 10th graders need to have physicals before the athletic season begins!!! Anyone can get a physical but we require all of the above to get a physical every 3 years.  Forms can be found at

School Pictures will be taken Friday, August 21st!!!!

Seniors and Juniors:  If you plan to take a dual credit course from any of the technical institutes or universities you need to sign up by Monday, August 24.   The forms that you need to complete along with the contact person to send your completed forms are located on the school's website in the "Forms and Publications" tab in the Sanborn Central Forms and Documents "Miscellaneous" folder.  Contact Mrs. Whitney if you have any questions.

Free & Reduced lunch applications are included in your packet of forms!  Your status does not continue from year to year so it’s important to fill out your form and get them turned in!  You can find information.  These applications as well as other lunch information can be found under the Forms & Publications tab, Google Drive, and the menu folder!

Check out your Union Farmhand 4-H Calendar!  Do you have additions or see any changes that need to be made?   Contact Gayle Bechen at 527-2690 or  prior to September 15, 2015 as they will be sending them off for printing soon.  

If there is something that you would like included in our e-news, feel free to email

Check out our Forms and Publications tab for a wealth of information!  

“Do your little bit of good where you are; its those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” - Desmond Tutu