Friday, January 31, 2025

Friday, January 31st 2025-Orange Day

 Information for the week of January 27th

Reminder: Keep Sick Children Home
As flu season is in full swing, we kindly ask for your cooperation in preventing the spread of illness at school.

  • If your child has a fever today, they should stay home tomorrow.
  • If you need to give your child fever-reducing medication today, they should not attend school tomorrow.
  • If you feel the need to give your child medicine in the morning just to get them through the school day, please keep them home.
  • If your child is experiencing vomiting or diarrhea today, they should not return to school tomorrow.

Keeping sick or still-recovering children at home helps protect the health of other students and staff. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

G B-Ball @ SC
B B-Ball @ Woony

Due to mandatory staff-wide training with the South Dakota Statewide Family Engagement Center, Sanborn Central will be dismissing early at 1:45 PM on Friday, March 7th. Please adjust your schedules accordingly. - Supt. Flatten

Congratulation to our Varsity basketball girls on another win vs. Wessington Springs last night with a score of 87-62. JH and C game scores were not reported.

Today the JH boys and girls basketball teams will be at Woonsocket vs. Hitchcock-Tulare
Girls at 6:00
Boys at 7:00

On Tuesday February 4th the JV/V will be at Sanborn Central vs. Ethan
girls JV 4:00
boys JV 5
girls V 6:15
boys V 7:45

Found in the bleachers, a necklace. Please come to or call the office at 605-495-4183 to claim.

A note from Mr. Flatten
There has been added interest in a voucher program in the state of South Dakota. This program allocates state funds for tuition fees that can be used at schools other than public schools. The Sanborn Central School Board and I stand in opposition to school vouchers unless the same accountability and reporting are also required from those receiving the voucher. Click the following link to continue reading.
Voucher Program

Councilor's Corner ( Note from Mrs. Gassman)
This Friday, January 31 at 9:15 AM Samantha Pulse with the Mitchell Highway Patrol will be coming to talk with our juniors and seniors about the Youth Trooper Academy opportunity -

Supporting families PBIS-at-home. Over 25,000 schools have embraces positive behavioral intervention and supports (PBIS) as a highly effective way to build children's social-emotional-behavioral skills and reduce challenging behaviors. PBIS can be effectively used at home too and is especially helpful when events disrupt normal routines . Click on the following link for ways to implement the PBIS system at home.

Extra Curricular
Fifth and sixth grade volleyball sign up forms for the 2025 spring season are ready. Forms will be handed out to 5/6th girls to let coaches know you are interested. Please fill out the following form and return to Laura Licht in the office.

Music News
Pep Band dates:
Saturday, Feb. 8 @ Woonsocket (TBD)
Friday, Feb. 28 @ Sanborn Central
*Please arrive 20 minutes prior to the first Varsity warm-up.  Please contact Mrs. Karlen in advance of any conflicts.

Blackhawks Got Talent music contest will be held on Thursday, March 13th.  Schedule to follow.

Help celebrate FFA week on February 15th-22nd with dress up days and events.
Tuesday, February 18th-Blue and Gold Day (FFA officers talking to classes)
Wednesday, February 19th-John Deere green vs. Case HI red-Donut day (7:45-8:15) $1 each
Thursday, February 20th-'Merica Day-Find the FFA Emblem Day
Friday, February 21st-"Farmer Dress Up Day"-Ag Olympics
National FFA Week-February 15th-22nd

Middle School Updates

From the Kitchen
Find out what's on the menu at


Are you ready to kickstart your career in tech and connecting your community?  Santel Communications is hiring a Helpdesk Technician.  This role assists customer with technical issues, troubleshooting connectivity problems, ensuring reliable Internet service.  For more information, visit:

The Hunt is On-Brady is a graduate of Sanborn Central and is currently attending Mitchell Technical College for ag business. Brady was diagnosed in December with Sever Aplastic Anemia, a rare and serious condition that occurs when your body stops producing enough new blood cells. It is anticipated that Brady will have to undergo a bone marrow transplant this year as part of his treatment.
 Forms are due back February 14th






G/B B-Ball vs. Ethan @ SC
Girls JV 4:00
Boys JV 5:00
Girls V 6:15
Boys V 7:45

G B-Ball practice-SC
B B-Ball practice-Woony
Girls only "C' game -6:00 w/ MC @ SC


G B-Ball @ Woony
Boys B-Ball @ SC

G/B B-Ball vs. Wagner @ Wagner
G JV 4:00
B JV 5:00
G V 6:15
B V 7:45
-coach bus lvg at 2;00


G B-Ball @ Woony
B B-Ball @ SC

G B-Ball @ SC
B B-Ball @ Woony
CBH Academic Fest


G/B B-Ball vs. Parkston @ Parkston
(2 gyms) C/JV
Girls/boys C 4PM
Girls boys JV 5PM
Girls V 6:30
Boys V 8:00
-bus lvg at 2:30
JH G/B B-Ball vs. MC @ SC 
G @ 4:00
B @ 5:00
Girls b-ball @ Woony
Boys b-ball @ SC


G practice @ Woony
B practice @ SC
Staff In Service-No School
Forms Due for Brady Larson Gear
Senior Night
G JV 4:00
B JV 5:00
G V 6:15
B V 7:45


G/B B-Ball vs. Wolsey-Wess @ Woony
Boys JH 11
Girls JV12
Boys JV 1
Girls JV 2:30
Boys V 4:00
Pep band