Eligibility is due today at noon.
Mrs. Foxley is gone today.
Miss McClane is here today.
Due to Woonsocket School's transition to Yellow Phase, the remaining 5/6 basketball games with other schools have been cancelled.As with everything this year, our Veterans Day Program will look a little different. Student Council will be putting together a Veterans Day Program virtually this year. We would like to add a slide show of family members of our students to the video. If your student is related to someone who has served in the military, and you are willing to share their information, please send a picture of the veteran, the relationship to the student, and the name of the veteran to Megan.Wilson@k12.sd.us
*Please submit you picture by Friday, November 6th.
Mr. Flatten will be in the weight room after school daily starting Tuesday. Anyone wanting to lift, or needing to learn the basics of lifting, is encouraged to attend. Let's get JACKED!
It's finally here!!! Get your butterbraid's, fruit, nuts, cheese, and meat goodies from your favorite FFA student. The sale will come to a close Friday, November 13th. If a FFA student has not contacted you, and you would like to place an order please call the school at 605-495-4183.
SC has experienced its first positive case at school
This person has not been in school since October 27
Therefore, no contact with anyone the past 6 school days
Please continue to self-monitor your students and keep them home if they are not feeling well.
Mrs. Foxley will no longer do full Wednesdays every other week at each school. She will have mornings in Woonsocket and afternoons at Sanborn every day.
World Prematurity Day T-Shirts for sale. Andrew Lindgren, a senior at Woonsocket High School, for his senior project, is raising awareness for premature births. November is Prematurity Awareness Month, and Nov 17th is World Prematurity Day. To raise awareness, he is selling T-shirts to be worn on World Prematurity Day in support of the important work the March of Dimes does for mothers and babies. Order forms will be sent home with each student and are due back to the office by Monday, November 9th. World Prematurity Day
It's finally here!!! Get your butterbraid's, fruit, nuts, cheese, and meat goodies from your favorite FFA student. The sale will come to a close Friday, November 13th. If a FFA student has not contacted you, and you would like to place an order please call the school at 605-495-4183.
Because of COVID-19, South Dakota's K-12 schools are using distance learning on a regular basis. Some students do not have access to their schoolwork at home because of a lack of internet connectivity. The K-12 Connect program provides free internet service to eligible K-12 students in their homes for the 20-21 school year. Eligible households must meet all of the following requirements.
*Must have at least one student currently enrolled in an accredited South Dakota K-12 School
*Must meet the income eligibility guidelines
*Must NOT have internet services in the home as of July 1, 2020
*Enrollment closes November 20th, 2020
SC has experienced its first positive case at school
This person has not been in school since October 27
Therefore, no contact with anyone the past 6 school days
Please continue to self-monitor your students and keep them home if they are not feeling well.
November Menu/Calendars
MS Updates
for the week of Nov. 2-6th
News from Mrs. Foxley
Seniors - Take advantage of Free College Application Week, it ends Friday, November 6th. Please talk to Mrs. Foxley if you have any questions.
Mrs. Foxley will no longer do full Wednesdays every other week at each school. She will have mornings in Woonsocket and afternoons at Sanborn every day.
Extra Curricular
*All JH football players should bring their equipment to hand in to Coach Flatten.
Oral Interp.
November 6 - Districts
November 16 - Regions
November 16 - Regions
World Prematurity Day T-Shirts for sale. Andrew Lindgren, a senior at Woonsocket High School, for his senior project, is raising awareness for premature births. November is Prematurity Awareness Month, and Nov 17th is World Prematurity Day. To raise awareness, he is selling T-shirts to be worn on World Prematurity Day in support of the important work the March of Dimes does for mothers and babies. Order forms will be sent home with each student and are due back to the office by Monday, November 9th. World Prematurity Day
The Woonsocket Community Club is sponsoring a Christmas Caring Tree. Please fill out the attached form and return to First National Bank no later that Monday, November 23rd.
Christmas Caring Tree
Friday-November 6-Blue
VB @ SC (Varsity) 3:45-5:30
5/6 b-ball vs. WS @ WS G @6 B @ 7
District Oral Interp.
Friday-November 6-Blue
District Oral Interp.
Monday-November 9th-OrangeV VB @ Woony (3:45-5:30)5/6 b-ball vs. W/W @ SC Girls @ 6:00 Boys @ 7:00
Tuesday-November 10-Blue
VB SoDak 16 TBA5/6 b-ball @ Iroquois G @ 6 B @ 7
Quiz Bowl vs. Woony
Wednesday-November 11-Orange
Veterans Day
Thursday-November 12th-Blue
Friday-November 13-
Friday Lunch-Homemade Cheese Pizza C/Steamed Mixed Vegi O/Cherry Crisp O/Choice of Fruit O