August 4, 2017
A reminder to students planning to participate in high school sports this fall: you must be enrolled on the first day of school, which is August 17, in order to participate in the fall sport’s seasons.
All athletes in grades 7 and 10 must have their completed physicals turned in before the first practice. Forms may be found on our web page – Forms and Publications Tab – Google Drive – Athletics Folder!
New items
are being added to our Google Drive Daily!!!!
August and September Menus for breakfast
and lunch can be found in the Menus Folder on our Google Drive.
The Free and Reduced Lunch Application can
be found in the Parental Information Folder.
consider applying early to avoid the last minute rush!
The FB JH/JV Schedule can be found at
JH/JV/V FB Practice Schedule can be
found at
The Varsity FB Schedule can be found at
Sanborn Central Schools
Back-to-School Night
Monday, August 14
– 7:00pm - Free picnic supper and tour of classrooms. HS students will register
with his/her advisor.
6:00pm – Community Recognition: In honor of
the district’s finalized financial obligation for the school building. A time
capsule will also be opened as part of the ceremony.
6:30pm - Title I Parent Meeting for all
parents of students in grades K-8 in the gym
First Day of
School – Wednesday, August 16th 8:15am to 12:30.
Pictures will be taken on Friday, August 18th.
join us for the…………
5th Annual Forestburg Melon Festival
Aug 19, 2017
As in the past, there will be a car
show, bean bag tournament, kids activities, a silent auction, pork loin dinner
and live music by Scotty and the Melon Heads. Registration for the car show
will begin at 3:00 pm and for the bean bag toss at 4:00 pm. Admission is
$10 with kids 12 and under free. Hope to see you there!
The August
Menu from the Country Pumper can be found at
your friends, neighbors, and fellow parents to sign up for our e-news! It’s easy go to our web site and click on the
Rebel e-news tab (left hand side 2/3’s of the way down) and follow the link on
the right hand side)
See our
website for more information:
Feel free to
e-mail us at