Thank you to all that voted yesterday in the school board election! There was a 9% voter turnout. Congratulations to Justin Enfield as he was elected to serve a 3-year term on the school board. He received 53% of votes cast while Melissa Ettswold received 47%! The resolution to have all school board members be considered "at large" beginning July 1, 2016 passed with 64% in favor and 36% against.
Thank you to Gayle Bechen, business manager, who was in charge of election preparations and to the election officials: Joanne Nelson, Judy Wormstadt, and Shirley Northrup! Myron Sonne was the alternate and came to the pre-election meeting on Monday. The district greatly appreciates your willingness to serve as election officials.
Dakota Wesleyan University Lady Tigers Basketball Coaches are coming to Woonsocket on June 23rd to host a fundamental basketball camp for all girls grades 3-8. The 3-5th grade girls will be from 9-10:30am and the girls grade 6-8 will be from 10:30-12:30. There is a flyer to bring with you to the camp that is located on the website in the "drive". Here is the link to access the flyer:
Cost is $10/camper. We have some registrations already. If you haven’t registered yet, you can do so at the camp in Woonsocket. If you have any questions call Coach Baruth at 354-2699.