Wednesday, April 1, 2015

TACBALL Tourney!!!!!

Hey Everyone,

The South Dakota Army National Guard is hosting a TACBALL tournament this Saturday April 4th at 10:30 AM at the High School gym in Wolsey.  TACBALL is much like paintball only without the mess.  We will have teams of 5 and have a double elimination tournament.  There is no charge for the event.  Weapons, CO2, TACBALLs, Masks, and Vests will be provided.  All you need to do is show up.  Food and drink will also be provided.  Please call or text me if you are interested by 6:00 PM on Friday so I can plan for meals and make the bracket.  My number is 605-461-1386. Please call or text with any questions.  Feel free to come even if you are short on your team.  We will have people to fill it.  Rides can also be provided to Wolsey from the National Guard armory in Huron.  Hope to see you there!


SSG Jason Bain