Monday, August 4, 2014

August 4, 2014

Any FFA member wanting to show in the FFA division at the State Fair must contact Mr. Gross for his signature on their forms ASAP.  The deadline to postmark your registration is August 15th.  Those who were not members last year but are planning on being members this year that would like to show may also show.  However, they must let Mr. Gross know to get their papers signed and so that he can let the State Office know to add a new member.  The FFA State Fair book is uploaded to the school's website in the Community folder in the "Forms and Publications" tab or by following this link: 
Keep in mind, to be an FFA member you MUST be enrolled in at least 1 semester of an agriculture course for the upcoming 2014-2015 school year.
Email Mr. Gross at if you have any questions.

A reminder that Coborn's receipts will be picked up at the school, CorTrust Banks in Artesian and Letcher on Tuesday, August 12th.

Back-to-School Night will be here in two weeks.  Please put Monday, August 18, on your calendar now.  The open house and free meal will be from 5:30 - 7:00pm.

There will be a Signatures online fundraiser, hosted by Rachel Austerman, as well as a Pampered Chef online fundraiser, hosted by Jo Oberg, coming soon to help the Debey Senska family offset expenses from her recent illness.  Debey Senska, mother of DiJo (Burger) and Gunnar Becker had surgery for brain aneurysms at the end of May.  Debey is recovering with the assistance of on-going therapy. Please be watching for more information in the near future.
The Letcher Library and the Town-n-Kountry 4-H Club will be hosting a movie and book night on Friday, August 8th, at the Letcher Community Center.  4-H members will read to the children, a short movie will be watched; drinks and treats will be provided. All you need is to bring yourself! This is open to any area youth ages 2 and up.  Mark your calendar as the fun begins promptly at 7:00 pm.

From Sheriff Fridley:  There will be a fall Hunt Safe Course on September 8 & 9 (6pm to 9 pm) and September 13th (8 am to noon).  This will be at the Forestburg 4-H building.  All ten hours will have to be attended.  This course is open to anyone turning 12 this calendar year of 2014.  All materials will be furnished.   A web site to register will be furnished in the near future.

Mr. McCain would like to remind all 7th and 10th graders (and anyone else that needs one or wants one) that they must have a physical completed before they can participate.  Forms are available on the website in the Athletic Folder under the Google Drive or follow this link:
REMINDER:  Volleyball (grades 8-12) and football (grades 9-12) practice begin on August 14.

URGENT!!!!  Substitute school bus drivers needed.  We need drivers to substitute occasionally for route drivers in the morning and/or afternoon.  Hours are approximately 6:15 - 8:00 in the morning and about 3:00 - 4:30 in the afternoon depending on the route and passengers riding. The pay is $30 per route or $60 for the day (both morning and afternoon routes).  The district will pay for expenses to get your CDL with school bus and passenger endorsements that includes a physical.  Contact Supt. Linda Whitney by calling 605-495-4183 or e-mailing if interested or want more information.