From Sheriff Fridley: There will be a fall Hunt Safe Course on September 8 & 9 (6pm to 9 pm) and September 13th (8 am to noon). This will be at the Forestburg 4-H building. All ten hours will have to be attended. This course is open to anyone turning 12 this calendar year of 2014. All materials will be furnished. A web site to register will be furnished in the near future.
REMINDER: Volleyball (grades 8-12) and football (grades 9-12) practice begin on August 14.
Wanted: Substitute school bus drivers. We need drivers to substitute occasionally for route drivers in the morning and/or afternoon. Hours are approximately 6:15 - 8:00 in the morning and about 3:00 - 4:30 in the afternoon depending on the route and passengers riding. The pay is $30 per route or $60 for the day (both morning and afternoon routes). The district will pay for expenses incurred to get your CDL with school bus and passenger endorsements that includes a physical. Contact Supt. Linda Whitney by calling 605-495-4183 or e-mailing if interested or want more information.
Bailey Moody, daughter of Perry and Tracy Moody will be participating in the National High School Rodeo Finals in Rock Springs, Wyoming. You can follow her at the Nationals as well as watch her live in the pole bending at
Bailey runs this morning at 9:00 am MST and Thursday, July 17th at 7:00 pm MST during the evening performance. Good luck to you, Bailley!
The 2014-15 Parent-Student Handbook is now posted on the website in the Google Drive on the website under the "Forms and Publications" tab in the "Handbooks and Policies" folder or by following this link: