Wednesday – May 7, 2014
Orange Day
Happy Birthday Adriana Salas and Logun Feistner!
The 2nd grade will take their annual field trip to present their “Save the Tigers” money to the zoo in Sioux Falls today – Have Fun!
Excellent job music students on a well done Spring concert!!! I appreciate all your hard work this semester. Mr. Kroeger
Congratulations to Audrey Kneen for winning the quilt! Thanks to everyone who has helped support the band program this year!!!
Testing today: Jrs 9:30-10:30 with Mrs. Danek; 8:20 3rd grade in the lab, 12:30 8th ELA in lab, and 8th Math in the classroom.
Pictures today will begin about 2:00 with 6-12 Band followed by Chorus, FFA Officers, JH Track, and HS Track. Please remain in your classroom until your group is called.
Spotlighted Seniors:
Claudia Miller has a rather tall bucket list with purchasing a giraffe as item #1. Claudia’s advice to underclassmen – don’t over think things; they usually work out on their own.
Kelbi Dean’s bucket list includes traveling around the world and going to different countries. Kelbi’s advice to underclassmen is also one of her favorite quotes – “Stand up for what is right, even if you stand alone”. She also says not to take things too seriously – high school goes by fast.
We need all missing assignments both MS & HS, as well as grades posted for eligibility and MS updates by noon. HS Teachers, please give your missing assignment lists to Mary. Students will be notified this afternoon of missing assignments and low grades. Thursday at 1:00 we will begin notifying parents of a student’s missing work or an F requiring them to be here on Friday, May 9th from 8:15 am to 11:00 am or all work is completed. Mrs. Whitney & Mrs. Vermeulen
There seems to be some confusion on the middle school track schedule. Here is the remaining schedule for the middle school:
Thursday, May 8 -- Corsica/Stickney invite - rescheduled from a previous date - starting at 2:00
Wednesday, May 14 - CBH Junior High and High School meet starting at 9:00
Students auditioning for color guard on Thursday - please be responsible and let your teachers know when you have to go. Also we will try and be done with the ensemble portion by 12:30pm, but there is a chance that it will run late. Please talk to these teachers as well.
Effective the rest of the year – 7th Band will report at 11:35. 6th will have band at 1:53.
JO VB practice this week Thursday from 3:30-5:30 and then Friday 9:30-11:30. Thank you!!
The schedule for CTE’s on May 8th is: 8:20 – 7th, 9:15 10th, 10:10 8th, 11:30 11th and 12:35 9th.
Don’t forget your Weber Roundball Camp registration is due tomorrow
Staff – don’t forget the Profile Weight Program at 11:00 on Friday in the MS Lab
Awards Night is Monday, May 12th, with a potluck beginning at 6:00pm. Families (go by the grade of the oldest child in the family) are asked to bring the following: Grades 6, 9, & 10 bring a casserole, grades 7 & 9 bring a salad and grades 8 & 12 bring a dessert. Staff may bring either a salad or dessert.
Baseball practice on Monday (12th) and Wednesday (14th) 5:30 for Minors and 6:30 for Majors in Letcher.
Rookies baseball will practice in Letcher Monday the 12th at 5:30 also
Thursday, May 15th Band Students (7-11) will leave here at 8:45 and have practice from 9:00 - 10:15am. We will be back by 10:30am. That way the students would be in 1st block for 30 minutes and 2nd block for 30 minutes. Band students will be responsible for getting any semester test review information that they will miss, etc. - Mr. Kroeger
There is a District Farmer’s Union Camp to be held near Viborg at Swan Lake - it starts on May 27 and ends May 29th. The flyer is on our Google Drive in the community folder - If you have questions, email or call 605-796-4548. For youth whose parents have a Santel telephone number, there is a discount for the first 29 youth that respond. A bus will be available for taking youth to camp, probably loading at Mt. Vernon but the bus will not run a route coming home.
Spotlights for the Class of 2014 can be found on our Google Drive in the Miscellaneous folder.
Information regarding Weber’s Roundball Camp has been uploaded to the Athletic folder on our Google drive. Forms were also sent home with students. Forms complete with a parent signature are due in the office no later than May 8th!
Thursday: Tutoring –
Final CTE’s
Smarter Balance math 8:30-9:15 Mr. Danek
JH Track @ Corsica/Stickney Bus @ 12:15
Soccer @ Woonsocket U6 5:00 & 5:45 U8 6:30
3rd Grade Pen Pal trip
JO VB practice 3:30-5:30
Weber Round Ball Forms due
Parents called for extra help day
Friday: Extra Help Day – 8:00-11:00 am – No School
JH Golf @ Howard
HS Track @ Miller
JO VB Practice SC 9:30-11:30
Saturday: Soccer @ Woony U6 9:40 & 11:00 U8 1:00
Monday: Blood Drive
Pre-K/K Celebration – 9:00
Awards night – Potluck @ 6:00
Baseball Practice – Letcher 5:30 Rookies & Minors – Majors 6:30
Tuesday: HS Region Golf
HS Track – 281 Conference – Huron
Soccer Practice 3:15
Wednesday: JH/HS CBH Track – Kimball
Baseball Minors 5:30 Majors 6:30 Letcher
Baseball Rookies 5:30 Art
Today’s Menu: Southwestern Style Chicken Flatbread – Corn Tortilla Chips & Salsa – Corn – Salad Bar – Refried Beans – Fruit Choice – Milk Choice
Tomorrow’s Breakfast: Mini Pancakes w/Syrup – Sausage – Juice/Fruit choice – Milk Choice
Menu: Cowboy Cavatini – Mixed Vegetables – Salad Bar – Wheat Roll & Jelly (9-12) Fruit Choice – Milk Choice
At commencement you wear your square-shaped mortarboards. My hope is that from time to time you will let your minds be bold, and wear sombreros. ~Paul Freund