Thursday – February 20, 2014
Orange Day - Tutoring
Good Luck to the Blackhawks as they host Mitchell Christian today. The JV Girls will tip off at 4:00 followed by JVB, VG, and VB. (Coulthard/Reimer) If you can’t be here – tune in to Santel Channel 107 to watch live action!
Pep Band plays tonight and the winter drum line will perform halftime of the girls' game Thursday night.
“BLACK OUT NIGHT”- wear Black to the game to STOMP OUT huge victories against Mitchell Christian and cancer! It’s the last regular game of the season for the Ladies and Tana has had her last chemo treatment! Go Blackhawks!
Concession workers for tonight are: Curtis & Sara Adams - Robert & Laura Pearson - Sherrie Allum - Paul & Marci Farmer - Richard & Jennifer Eppe
Tomorrow is FFA Shirt/Dress like a Farmer Day to show support for our hard working FFA members!
Just a reminder that tomorrow is the last day to receive bonus points for parent conferences!
Pep Band will not play Monday, February 24th as previously scheduled.
Our highlight today is Mrs. Sanderson, who graduated from Mitchell High School, USD, and DWU. This is her 10th year at Sanborn Central but her 20th year of teaching, yet she still enjoys the interactions and the teaching of students. As young as 4th grade Mrs. Sanderson felt the tug to become a teacher and today leads our Resource Room staff and students. She loves working with students of all age levels as she watches them learn and grow each day and looks forward to teaching and interacting with them every day that she is here. Mrs. Sanderson enjoys spending her free time biking, swimming, and going for walks with her family. She is the mother of 5 girls and 1 son. We are so happy that you chose to become a member of the Sanborn Central staff.
Due to the short week, we will not do eligibility again until February 27th.
The Girls BB bus on Tuesday will leave Woonsocket at 2:15 PM and pick up SC at 2:25 PM. We will play at 4:00 pm in the Huron Arena.
A free will offering benefit for the Doug Moody family will be held February 23rd from 11:30-1:00 pm at the Letcher Community Church. Your donation will help to pay defray medical costs. Great Soup and Sandwiches!!!!
Letcher Legion is hosting the annual Fireman Appreciation supper for all Letcher Volunteer Firemen/ EMT's and their families on Sunday Feb. 23 at 6:00 pm. Pot luck meal provided by Auxiliary members at the Community Center.
A Scentsy fundraiser is being held to assist the Doug Moody Family with additional expenses due to his prostate cancer. You can go to - Click on the Doug Moody Fundraiser to place your order. You may also contact Amy Moody at 248-2480 or Christie Ruml at 248-2276 to place orders or see a book. The commission from orders placed here will assist the Moody Family. This fund raiser will close February 24th. There are some books available at the school also.
Have you found that perfect prom dress? The Glass Slipper in Mitchell may be able to help. The Glass Slipper project gives away free prom dresses and accessories to high school students in the Mitchell and surrounding areas. The Glass Slipper collects new and almost-new formal dresses and accessories and provides them free of charge to students who are unable to purchase their prom attire. Student does not need to prove any financial hardship in order to get a dress. Each student will receive individual assistance from a volunteer "personal shopper" as she shops for the dress of her dreams. The event will be held Friday, February 28th from 4-8 pm and Saturday, March 1st from 9:00 am - Noon at the Mitchell Wesleyan Church.
Friday: G @ SC B @ W
JH G & B @ Mitchell C – 6:00
Last Day for Parent Conference Bonus Points
Monday: Boys vs. Bridge/Emery @ W – JH 5:15
Girls BB Districts
CDE Redfield Registration due
Tuesday: G Districts – Blackhawks @ 4:00 @ Huron Arena – bus 2:25
B @ SC
Wednesday: G @ W B @ SC
Thursday: G Districts
B @ SC
Eligibility, Homework Club, Updates due at noon
Today’s Menu: Menu: Sloppy Joe on a Bun – Whole Grain Chips (9-12) – Sweet Potato Puffs – Baked Beans/Green Beans – Salad Bar – Fruit Choice – Milk Choice
Tomorrow’s Breakfast: Graham Cracker Sticks – Cheese Omelet – Juice/Fruit choice – Milk Choice
Menu: Baked Chicken Drumstick - Savory Rice – Corn – Salad Bar – Oatmeal Bar – Fruit Choice – Milk Choice
A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes. ~Mark Twain