Tuesday – October
1, 2013
Blue Day
Good Luck to the Lady Blackhawks as they
host Highmore/Harold in Woonsocket today.
The C game starts at 5:15.
Pep Band plays tonight. Be there at 6:30 pm.
Cheerleaders and football will practice in
Woonsocket today.
Woonsocket NHS will be
serving pizza slices from Skeeters for $2 a slice
at the VB game from 6 pm until they are gone. They will also be doing a 50/50 drawing.
Did you order your Dig Pink shirt? Today is the deadline. Order forms are on the web site or contact robin.moody@k12.sd.us or mary.ackman@k12.sd.us for more
The Junior High football team lost their
game and the JV team won 38-14.
Congratulations to The Blackhawks
Marching Band on a job well done in Platte on Friday!!! We competed a class up
bringing home 3rd place, but we destroyed the competition below us! I'm proud
of how far we have come as band! Thanks for all you do!!! -Mr. Kroeger
Marching Band members – Friday you can begin
to load the bus at 7:00 am for Chester.
The Bus will leave at 7:15 sharp.
Pants, shoes, and
long black socks must be on!!! Don’t forget shako (hat), gloves, coat, or
instrument. You are scheduled to arrive
home at 2:30 pm. What to bring Long
Black Socks, White Band Shirt, and your Instrument. Please pay your $6 dollars for the burger
meal before Friday. If you are riding
home after the game with your parents, I need to know in advance. Mr. Kroger
Reminder: If you have not paid $25 dollars for your shoes and gloves, please do!
More Marching Band
info can be found on our web page in the music folder.https://drive.google.com/?tab=wo&authuser=0#folders/0BxqWDgwTHOqedl9LQWlMUVlaWkU
Tuesday, October 1st – JH and HS practice @ Woonsocket
are needed:
In desperate need of adult or student volunteers to work
concession stand Thursday evening and most likely Saturday during the 281
conference volleyball games. Please contact Tracy Moody if you could help
during any of the games. All help would be greatly appreciated!! tracy.moody@k12.sd.us
Needed: Ticket takers for the 281 volleyball tournament on Thursday night and most likely for Saturday afternoon. This is a paid positions. Contact Tim McCain tim.mccain@k12.sd.us
There is a strong possibility that the ASVAB
testing scheduled for Thursday will not happen due to the government shut down.
Blackhawk Football Schedule for
Sept 30-Oct 4:
Wednesday, October 2nd – HS
practice @ Woonsocket
Thursday, October 3rd – JH and HS practice @ Woonsocket
Friday, October 4th – HS Game @ Hitchcock – 7:00 pm - Bus leaves WS at 4:00 pm
and pick up Woonsocket and Sanborn Central players in Woonsocket at 4:15 pm.
The brackets for the MS CBH VB
Tourney and the 281 VB Tourney have been uploaded to the athletic folder on our
web page. www.sanborncentral.com Forms & Documents – Athletics
Mr. Gross has informed us that
there is a bridge out on SD Hwy 28 on the way to Hitchcock (his home stomping
grounds). You will not be able to reach
Hitchcock from 37 traveling via 28. You
must either go up 281 through Wolsey or to reduce backtracking, follow one of
the alternative routes I’ve out lined.
Good Luck, Safe Travels, and GO BLACKHAWKS! - Mr. Gross
The maps have been uploaded on
our web site in the community folder.
Sanborn Central FFA members are
currently selling Crystalyx discount cards through the Earn to Learn program.
Each card saves the producer $40 on 1 ton of Crystalyx Brand Supplements.
In return, the producer pays the FFA member $20 for each card. This
money stays with our local FFA chapter to support our agricultural education
program and chapter activities. To purchase a card, speak with any
Sanborn Central FFA member. We will also be selling the cards at the Forestburg
Farmers Elevator producer supper. If you have any questions, feel free to
contact me at shane.gross@k12.sd.us. Thank you
for your support and good luck with harvest!
The Flu shot clinic will be held October 23rd at
Sanborn Central. The forms for the
vaccine and the nasal are uploaded to the web site for you to print and return
to the office (in the community folder).
A form will be sent home with all elementary students this Friday,
October 4th, for you to indicate which forms you would like to have
sent home. All forms are also available
in the office. We ask that if you wish
to have your students receive the immunizations at school you have the forms in
the office no later than Wednesday, October 16th. Any questions, please contact the Sanborn
County Nurses office at 796-4510.
Saturday October
5th a fund raiser will be held at the Artesian Community Center for David
Grassel. Dave was diagnosed with parasteal osteosarcoma in his right
knee in December 2012. He has undergone chemo & a couple of surgeries- all
proceeds from the event will go to help Dave & Melissa! A Bean
Bag Tournament will begin at 1:00 pm with a $40/registration per team.
Cash prizes will be given to the top two teams. At 5:00 pm you can enjoy
a Soup/Chili supper for a free will donation. A gun raffle will also be
held with the drawing the first weekend in November - A Franchi Model I-12 semi automatic 12 gauge
(made by Benelli) and a Remington.
If you are planning on playing in the
bean bag tournament please register your team as soon as possible... We would
like to start getting this organized to figure out a bracket. Teams can still
register on Saturday but please do it before 1:00 PM. Call David Unterbrunner at 354-0030 to register your team!
There's going to be a bridal shower for Kaitlyn Donahue, Jordan
Pearson’s fiancé, on Sunday (10/6) at the Artesian Community Center at
organizers of the upcoming Tanna Kingsbury Pep Rally and Benefit are looking
for auction items that people might like to donate. Ideas include toys, themed
baskets, gift certificates, baked goods, hand-made items, or anything else you
can think of. Items can be dropped off with Lori Dean (sdauctions@santel.net), Brenda Schmit (bschmit@santel.net), Sherri Stekl (stekl@santel.net) or at Sanborn Central School.
If you would like someone to pick up your auction donation, just contact one of
the people listed above. This event is being held on Saturday, October 12 from
5:00 – 8:30 p.m. at the Sanborn Central Gym.
All State Chorus Rehearsal NSU
Thursday: Eligibility, Homework,
Updates due at noon
Marching Band Practice – SC
281 VB Tourney vs. Iroquois 6:00 pm - SC
Cheer Practice 5:45
Juniors ASVAB Testing 11:30
Friday: FB @ Hitchcock - Bus
Woony 4:15
Marching Band @ Chester – 7:00 Bus
Saturday: CBH 7/8th
VB @ Plank
281 VB Tourney
David Grassel Benefit –
Monday: JH/JV FB vs. Miller @
V FB – Cheerleading – 5/6th
Basketball @ Woony
Tuesday: FB @ Springs
VB vs. SBA @ SC 5:15
Pep Band Plays
5/6th Basketball
& Cheer practice @ SC- 3:45
JR Real Woony (Jr/SR) 8:40 -
Today’s Menu: Pork Rib –
Tri-Tater – Mixed Vegetables – Salad Bar – Cherry Crisp (6-12) – Fruit Milk
Tomorrow’s Breakfast: Apple
Bosco Stick – String Cheese – Juice/Fruit Choice – Milk
Menu: Lasagna – Green Beans – Salad
Bar – French Garlic Bread – Fruit – Milk
The question isn't who is
going to let me; it's who is going to stop me. ~Ayn Rand,
If there is something that you would like included in our
e-news, please e-mail us at sanborncentral@gmail.com