Thursday, November 19, 2020

Thursday-November 19th (Blue Day)

November 16th-20th honors American Education Week.  We appreciate the teachers, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, administrative staff and countless others that keep our school running in tip top shape.  Thank You!

Join us for caring Friday as we wrap up the Character Counts Week!  The fun's not over...wear purple for Citizenship Monday.

We will run eligibility today.

Girls open gym at Woonsocket.

The 5th and 6th boys and girls will have a end of the Yr. Intermural Scrimmage with the girls at SC and the boys at Woonsocket.  Both games will start at 6 PM

The FFA is having a coat drive and would appreciate donations of your gently used coats, hats, gloves, scarves, snow pants and boots until Monday, November 30th.  Drop off locations are at Sanborn Central School, Woonsocket School, and the Sanborn County Court house.  Please make arrangements with your drop off location regarding Covid regulations and entrance.

The 2020 high school volleyball championships are here with Brookings, Watertown, and Huron all hosting the event. Here are your viewing options for the three day extravaganza!…/sports-…/how-to-watch-sdvolleyball20/

For those not able to attend the Junior High Musical Festival in Platte, here is the link to watch the concert:

SC Covid Information
This is Sanborn Central most current Covid-19 information.  If a staff or student has been cleared to return to school they are not listed in our overall count.
Elementary Students-1
Middle School Students-1
High School Students-3
Please continue to self-monitor your students and keep them home if they are not feeling well.

Because of COVID-19, South Dakota's K-12 schools are using distance learning on a regular basis.  Some students do not have access to their schoolwork at home because of a lack of internet connectivity.  The K-12 Connect program provides free internet service to eligible K-12 students in their homes for the 20-21 school year.  Eligible households must meet all of the following requirements.
*Must have at least one student currently enrolled in an accredited South Dakota K-12 School
*Must NOT have internet services in the home as of July 1, 2020
*Enrollment closes November 20th, 2020

MS Updates
for the week of November 16th-20th

Extra Curricular

The Blackhawk Football team was unable to have their in-person postseason banquet this year. We have made a video to announce team awards and celebrate the season.
Coach Flatten

Here is the boys open gym schedule. I have worked around the Girls open gym schedule and the girls practices.
All of the times will be afterschool.
Friday, November 20th @ Woony
Monday November 23rd @ Woony
Tuesday, November 24th @ SC

The following students will be attending the region music festival in Gregory on Tuesday, November 24th: Lucy N, Dayton E, Malorie M, Logan S, Shania C, Isabella B, Casady D, Kaden N, Alexis K, and Dana S.
Students will depart from Sanborn Central at 6:30 am and Woonsocket at 6:45 am and will arrive back at approximately 10:00 pm. 
Please bring $10 for lunch, mask, and water bottle.

The 2020 basketball schedule has some new updates as SBA does not have a boys Varsity, and some home games were listed at the wrong school.  Attached is the new schedule 2020 Basketball Schedule (revised)

Third and forth grade boys that are interested in basketball please fill out the attached form and return Friday, November 18th.
3/4 basketball form

Third and forth grade girls that are interested in basketball please fill out the attached form and return back to the office by Tuesday, November 24th. 3/4th girls b-ball form

On Monday, a few of our Sanborn Central/Woonsocket FFA chapter members competed at the District 4 Leadership Development Events (LDEs) via Zoom. They did a great job!! Winner's of the Fall Leadership Development Event are...

Prepared Public Speaking:
1st - Bailey Fesitner
2nd - Brady Larson
Ag Broadcasting:
2nd - Bailey Fesitner
Newley elected District Student Advisor on the District 4 Officer Team: Bailey Feistner
They all did a great job!!

The Woonsocket Community Club is sponsoring a Christmas Caring Tree.  Please fill out the attached form and return to First National Bank no later that Monday, November 23rd.

The next food giveaway will take place Wednesday, December 2nd at 4:30 at the Santel west garage.   Their will not be a food distribution in January.  If anyone wants names added to the Christmas food box deliveries going out the 21st of December, please call 796-4516.
Food Giveaway

Friday-November 20th-Orange
Character Counts Week-(Caring) Wear Red
Monday-November 23rd-Blue
Boys open gym @ Woony

Tuesday-November 24th-Orange
Boys open gym @ SC

Wednesday-November 25th/Friday-November 27th
Thanksgiving Break

Monday-November 30th-Blue
Girls B-ball @ SC
Boys B-ball @ Woony

Today's Lunch-Pulled Pork Sandwich C/ Baked Beans C/ Coleslaw O/ Choice of Fruit O
Tomorrow's Lunch-Thanksgiving Dinner, Roast Turkey and all the trimmings