Monday, November 23, 2020

Monday-November 23rd (Blue Day)

Girls basketball at SC Woony

Boys basketball open gym at Woony SC

The FFA is having a coat drive and would appreciate donations of your gently used coats, hats, gloves, scarves, snow pants and boots until Monday, November 30th.  Drop off locations are at Sanborn Central School, Woonsocket School, and the Sanborn County Court house.  Please make arrangements with your drop off location regarding Covid regulations and entrance.

News from Mrs. Foxley
Anyone interested in signing up for a dual credit class for the spring, please talk to Mrs. Foxley as soon as possible!

The students at Sanborn Central and Mrs. Foxley have been working hard for Character counts week to compose this video...Please enjoy with the following video with this link

SC Covid Information
This is Sanborn Central most current Covid-19 information.  If a staff or student has been cleared to return to school they are not listed in our overall count.
Elementary Students-0
Middle School Students-1
High School Students-3
Please continue to self-monitor your students and keep them home if they are not feeling well.

Extra Curricular
Here is the boys open gym schedule. I have worked around the Girls open gym schedule and the girls practices.
All of the times will be afterschool.
Tuesday, November 24th @ SC

The following students will be attending the region music festival in Gregory on Tuesday, November 24th: Lucy N, Dayton E, Malorie M, Logan S, Shania C, Isabella B, Casady D, Kaden N, Alexis K, and Dana S.
Students will depart from Sanborn Central at 6:30 am and Woonsocket at 6:45 am and will arrive back at approximately 10:00 pm. 
Please bring $10 for lunch, mask, and water bottle.

The 2020 basketball schedule has some new updates as SBA does not have a boys Varsity, and some home games were listed at the wrong school.  Attached is the new schedule 2020 Basketball Schedule (revised)

Third and forth grade girls that are interested in basketball please fill out the attached form and return back to the office by Tuesday, November 24th. 3/4th girls b-ball form

The Woonsocket Community Club is sponsoring a Christmas Caring Tree.  Please fill out the attached form and return to First National Bank no later that Monday, November 23rd.

The next food giveaway will take place Wednesday, December 2nd at 4:30 at the Santel west garage.   Their will not be a food distribution in January.  If anyone wants names added to the Christmas food box deliveries going out the 21st of December, please call 796-4516.

Santel TV customers: If you have had any troubles with viewing the Sanborn Central TV channel 107 please contact Santel at 605-796-4411.

Tuesday-November 24th-Orange
Boys b-ball @ SC
Girls b-ball @ SC

Wednesday-November 25th/Friday-November 27th
Thanksgiving Break

Monday-November 30th-Blue
Girls B-ball @ SC
Boys B-ball @ Woony

Tuesday-December 1st-Orange
Boys and Girls b-ball in Woony

Today's Lunch-WG Corn Dog C/Smiley Potatoes O/Fresh Cucumber O/Choice of Fruit C
Tuesday Lunch-Cheese Breadstick C/Marinara O/Garden Fresh Salad O/Choice of Fruit C
Tuesday's FFV-Baby Banana