Thursday, August 9, 2018

August 9, 2018

August 9, 2018
Are you as excited as we are about the back to school night – Monday, August 13th with a free supper served to parents and students (5:30pm) at Sanborn Central??????
This is a fantastic way to check out your classroom and meet your teacher.  We also have some fantastic new staff members for you to meet:
            Laura Conrad is our new head cook – so be sure to say hello as you go through the line for supper.
            Miss J West is our new band instructor – don’t forget the band meeting (5th-12th) at 5:00 in the SC music room.  You will receive your band uniform, learn how you will be graded, and grow in the excitement of SC Band membership!    Please don’t be late as Ms. West will be leaving to attend the open house at Woonsocket.
            Ms. Ronning is our 7-12 Ag Instructor.  Be sure to stop in and welcome here back to South Dakota.
            Mrs. Vetter will be our new Title Instructor.  She will also be doing the after school tutoring for any interested students on Tuesday and Thursday.
            Mrs. Dawson will be teaching 6th Language Arts as well as MS Social Studies.
            Mrs. Wilson is our new HS Math Instructor.

All students are invited to bring their supplies to school and place them in their desk/locker.

HS Students will meet with their advisors and register for classes at the back to school night.

Don’t forget the player/parent VB meeting in Woonsocket at 7:20 (following the band meeting for Woonsocket students).

We have been busy creating the back to school packets for each family.  We try to make sure that all the forms your family/student needs are properly placed.  Please make sure that forms requiring a parent and student signature are completed before it comes back to school!  This seems to be a reason why most forms are lost.   Packets are due back to the school on August 24th.

            In the packet you will find the application for free and reduced meals.  It’s is also on our drive and can be viewed at
            School Pictures will be taken on Friday, August 17th – this order form is also in your packet and can be viewed at
            Fall Sports Pictures will be taken on August 22nd.  All coaches will give players an order form.

The Cross Country team will begin practice on Monday, August 13th at 8:00am in the Woonsocket gym.

BUS PARENTS:  If your child will not be riding the bus home to the location where he/she is picked up.  Please be sure to send a note (e-mail) prior to the first day so the bus routes can be established! The bus drivers have been given the route lists and will be contacting you soon.

The agenda for the school board meeting Monday, August 13th at 5:00pm can be found at

The VB practice schedule can be found at

There will be a VB parent/player (all players) meeting at approximately 7:20 Monday, August 13th in Woonsocket following their band meeting.

The August Lunch Menu can be found at

The August Breakfast Menu can be found at


What is the Sanborn Central Booster Club? The booster club is an organization that helps Pre-K thru 12th grade students and staff at Sanborn Central by providing additional funding for different activities throughout the school year. A few of the items the booster club has helped fund in the past are; field trips, playground equipment, state tournament activities, bleachers, I-pads, supplemental reading programs, upgrades to the library, sports complex, and record boards. The concession stand is run by the booster club and all proceeds from the concessions go back to the booster club to help make Sanborn Central the best it can be!

We have set up a work schedule for the concession stand. If you cannot work your scheduled shift please find someone to switch with and let Ashly Uecker (1-605-770-2221) or Tambi Wormstadt (1-605-770-3077) know of the changes. Thank you for all your help it is much appreciated!  Ashly Uecker & Tambi Wormstadt.

These will also be in your packet on the information side.


Hunt Safe Course – August 21st (7:00-9:00pm), August 22nd (6:00-9:00pm), August 25th (8:00-Noon) at the Sanborn County 4-H Building.  Questions contact Bob Steckel at 579-0120 or tom Fridley at 999-5661.  Please register on-line at

The August menu from the Country Pumper can be found at

If there is something that you would like included in our e-news, please e-mail us at