Wednesday, August 8, 2018

August 8, 2018

August 8, 2018
August 13th is back to school nigh with supper beginning at 5:30!!!! August 15th is the first day with a 12:30 dismissal– just days away!   We can’t wait to see everyone!!!!! Have you started getting you school supplies? The list for Pre-K thru 8th grade can be found at

There will be a Back to School Night Band Parent Meeting on August 13th at 5:00pm in the SC Music Room.  Miss West wants to meet all of you – parents included, you will receive your band uniform, learn how you will be graded, and grow in the excitement of SC Band membership!    Please don’t be late as Ms. West will be leaving to attend the open house at Woonsocket.

BUS PARENTS:  If your child will not be riding the bus home to the location where he/she is picked up.  Please be sure to send a note (e-mail) prior to the first day so the bus routes can be established! 

The VB practice schedule can be found at
There will be a VB parent/player (all players) meeting at approximately 7:20 Monday, August 13th in Woonsocket following their band meeting.
Donors Choose Projects Need your help! 
MS/HS Language Arts Writing for a Better World from Ms. Farrell-Poncelet: My students need Rocketbooks to not only reduce the amount of waste in the classroom, but to collaborate with classmates and be able to submit book assignments and writings effortlessly. Donate here

MS Science Get the Wiggles Out on Wobble Chairs from Mrs. Farmer: My students need choices in their seating arrangements to increase movement and concentration. Wobble chairs will give students a chance to safely move while participating with their table groups. Donate here:

1st Grade Organized with Seat Sacks from Ms. Larson: My students need seat sacks to organize their classroom learning materials! Donate here:

Library from Ms. Larson: Wiggle While We Work!  My students need unique and unconventional seating options in the integrated library and makerspace!  Donate here:

What is the Sanborn Central Booster Club? The booster club is an organization that helps Pre-K thru 12th grade students and staff at Sanborn Central by providing additional funding for different activities throughout the school year. A few of the items the booster club has helped fund in the past are; field trips, playground equipment, state tournament activities, bleachers, I-pads, supplemental reading programs, upgrades to the library, sports complex, and record boards. The concession stand is run by the booster club and all proceeds from the concessions go back to the booster club to help make Sanborn Central the best it can be!

We have set up a work schedule for the concession stand. If you cannot work your scheduled shift please find someone to switch with and let Ashly Uecker (1-605-770-2221) or Tambi Wormstadt (1-605-770-3077) know of the changes. Thank you for all your help it is much appreciated!  Ashly Uecker & Tambi Wormstadt
These will also be in your packet on the information side.

Hunt Safe Course – August 21st (7:00-9:00pm), August 22nd (7:00-9:00pm, August 25th (8:00-Noon) at the Sanborn County 4-H Building.  Questions contact Bob Steckel at 579-0120 or tom Fridley at 999-5661.  Please register on-line at
The August menu from the Country Pumper can be found at

If there is something that you would like included in our e-news, please e-mail us at