Thursday, July 10, 2014

July 10, 2014

The SCW Lady Blackhawks DWU girls basketball skills camp is July 15th from 8:30-3 in Woonsocket.  It is for any SCW girls that will be in grades 6-12 this fall.  The flyer with the registration information has been uploaded to the Google Drive in the Athletics Folder on the school's website.  Here is the link:  
Just print it out and bring it along on July 15th.

Wanted:  Substitute school bus drivers.  We need drivers to substitute occasionally for route drivers in the morning and/or afternoon.  Hours are approximately 6:15 - 8:00 in the morning and about 3:00 - 4:30 in the afternoon depending on the route and passengers riding. Currently the pay is $25 per route or $50 for the day (both morning and afternoon routes).  The district will pay for expenses incurred to get your CDL with school bus and passenger endorsements that includes a physical.  Contact Supt. Linda Whitney by calling 605-495-4183 or e-mailing if interested or want more information.

Bailey Moody, daughter of Perry and Tracy Moody will be participating in the National High School Rodeo Finals July 13-19th in Rock Springs, Wyoming.  This Thursday, July 10th, you can watch her state championship pole bending run on SDPB, Santel channel 8, at 8:00 pm.  

You can follow her at the Nationals as well as watch her live in the pole bending at
Bailey runs the morning of Tuesday, July 15th (9:00 am MST) and Thursday, July 17th (7:00 pm MST) during the evening performance.  

We wish her standing poles and fast times.  You've made us Rebel Proud, Bailey!