July 31, 2018
Club Reminder……….The regular scheduled meeting will be held Wednesday, August 1st
at 8:00 pm in the commons at Sanborn Central.
Do you have your sports physical –
practices are starting soon!!!! Physicals
will be needed for all 7th graders and sophomores for the athletic seasons
coming up. Any other students may also get a physical if they choose to. The
physical forms can be found on the sdhsaa website under "forms", then
"Athletics", and then "Physical Exams and Sports Concussion or
follow the link at: http://www.sdhsaa.com/Portals/0/PDFs/Forms/Athletics/PhysicalExams.pdf
August 13th is back to school
night!!!! August 15th is the first day – just days away! Have you started
getting you school supplies? The list for Pre-K thru 8th grade can be found
at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o5Q2WzWF3q_4x72wzwTcXKad9tDB4Eui/view
We have several new staff members
for you to meet this year.
Band Students and Parents……..We are proud to announce the addition of Ms. West
as our band instructor. There will be a
Back to School Night Band Parent Meeting on August 13th at 5:00pm in
the SC Music Room. Miss West wants to
meet all of you – parents included, you will receive your band uniform, learn
how you will be graded, and grow in the excitement of SC Band membership! Please don’t be late as Ms. West will be
leaving to attend the open house at Woonsocket.
The 18-19 calendars can be found at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BxqWDgwTHOqedkFwT3J2ZGRaSnc
The 18-19 calendars can be found at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BxqWDgwTHOqedkFwT3J2ZGRaSnc
The athletic schedules can be found at
Choose Projects Need your help!
MS Science Get the Wiggles Out on
Wobble Chairs from Mrs. Farmer: My students need choices in their seating
arrangements to increase movement and concentration. Wobble chairs will give
students a chance to safely move while participating with their table groups.
Donate here: https://www.donorschoose.org/project/get-the-wiggles-out-on-wobble-chairs/3363410/
1st Grade Organized with Seat
Sacks from Ms. Larson: My students need seat sacks to organize their classroom
learning materials! Donate here: https://www.donorschoose.org/project/organized-with-seat-sacks/3263019/
Library from Ms.
Larson: Wiggle While We Work! My students need unique and
unconventional seating options in the integrated library and makerspace!
Donate here: https://www.donorschoose.org/project/wiggle-while-we-work/3333528/
there is something that you would like included in our e-news, please e-mail us
at sanborncentral@gmail.com